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rework some abstract implementation class handling
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Simn committed Jun 25, 2015
1 parent 040f21a commit 6d5a836
Showing 1 changed file with 26 additions and 25 deletions.
51 changes: 26 additions & 25 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1860,18 +1860,21 @@ let init_class ctx c p context_init herits fields =
if is_lib && not c.cl_extern then "@:libType can only be used in extern classes" c.cl_pos;
(* a native type will skip one check: the static vs non-static field *)
let is_native = Meta.has Meta.JavaNative c.cl_meta || Meta.has Meta.CsNative c.cl_meta in

let abstract = match c.cl_kind with
| KAbstractImpl a -> Some a
| _ -> None
let ctx = {
ctx with
curclass = c;
type_params = c.cl_params;
pass = PBuildClass;
tthis = (match c.cl_kind with
| KAbstractImpl a ->
tthis = (match abstract with
| Some a ->
(match a.a_this with
| TMono r when !r = None -> TAbstract (a, snd c.cl_params)
| t -> t)
| _ -> TInst (c, snd c.cl_params));
| None -> TInst (c, snd c.cl_params));
on_error = (fun ctx msg ep -> msg ep;
(* macros expressions might reference other code, let's recall which class we are actually compiling *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2121,13 +2124,11 @@ let init_class ctx c p context_init herits fields =
if name.[0] = '$' && = DMNone then error "Field names starting with a dollar are not allowed" p;
let stat = List.mem AStatic f.cff_access in
let extern = Meta.has Meta.Extern f.cff_meta || c.cl_extern in
let is_abstract,allow_inline =
match c.cl_kind, f.cff_kind with
| KAbstractImpl _, _ -> true,true
|_, FFun _ -> false,ctx.g.doinline || extern
| _ -> false,true
let allow_inline = abstract <> None || match f.cff_kind with
| FFun _ -> ctx.g.doinline || extern
| _ -> true
let inline = List.mem AInline f.cff_access && allow_inline in
let inline = allow_inline && List.mem AInline f.cff_access in
let override = List.mem AOverride f.cff_access in
let is_macro = Meta.has Meta.Macro f.cff_meta in
if is_macro then "@:macro should now be 'macro' accessor" p;
Expand All @@ -2147,7 +2148,7 @@ let init_class ctx c p context_init herits fields =
} in
match f.cff_kind with
| FVar (t,e) ->
if not stat && is_abstract then error (f.cff_name ^ ": Cannot declare member variable in abstract") p;
if not stat && abstract <> None then error (f.cff_name ^ ": Cannot declare member variable in abstract") p;
if inline && not stat then error (f.cff_name ^ ": Inline variable must be static") p;
if inline && e = None then error (f.cff_name ^ ": Inline variable must be initialized") p;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2232,8 +2233,8 @@ let init_class ctx c p context_init herits fields =
let parent = (if not stat then get_parent c name else None) in
let dynamic = List.mem ADynamic f.cff_access || (match parent with Some { cf_kind = Method MethDynamic } -> true | _ -> false) in
if inline && dynamic then error (f.cff_name ^ ": You can't have both 'inline' and 'dynamic'") p;
ctx.type_params <- (match c.cl_kind with
| KAbstractImpl a when Meta.has Meta.Impl f.cff_meta ->
ctx.type_params <- (match abstract with
| Some a when Meta.has Meta.Impl f.cff_meta ->
params @ a.a_params
| _ ->
if stat then params else params @ ctx.type_params);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2282,8 +2283,8 @@ let init_class ctx c p context_init herits fields =
generate_value_meta (Some c) cf fd.f_args;
let do_bind = ref (((not c.cl_extern || inline) && not c.cl_interface) || cf.cf_name = "__init__") in
let do_add = ref true in
(match c.cl_kind with
| KAbstractImpl a ->
(match abstract with
| Some a ->
let m = mk_mono() in
let ta = TAbstract(a, (fun _ -> mk_mono()) a.a_params) in
let tthis = if Meta.has Meta.Impl f.cff_meta || Meta.has Meta.To f.cff_meta then monomorphs a.a_params a.a_this else a.a_this in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2405,13 +2406,13 @@ let init_class ctx c p context_init herits fields =
incr stats.s_methods_typed;
if then Common.log ("Typing " ^ (if ctx.in_macro then "macro " else "") ^ s_type_path c.cl_path ^ "." ^ name);
let fmode = (match c.cl_kind with
| KAbstractImpl _ ->
let fmode = (match abstract with
| Some _ ->
(match args with
| ("this",_,_) :: _ -> FunMemberAbstract
| _ when name = "_new" -> FunMemberAbstract
| _ -> FunStatic)
| _ ->
| None ->
if constr then FunConstructor else if stat then FunStatic else FunMember
) in
let display_field = display_file && (f.cff_pos.pmin <= cp.pmin && f.cff_pos.pmax >= cp.pmax) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2440,8 +2441,8 @@ let init_class ctx c p context_init herits fields =
if !do_bind then bind_type ctx cf r (match fd.f_expr with Some e -> snd e | None -> f.cff_pos) is_macro;
f, constr, cf, !do_add
| FProp (get,set,t,eo) ->
(match c.cl_kind with
| KAbstractImpl a when Meta.has Meta.Impl f.cff_meta ->
(match abstract with
| Some a when Meta.has Meta.Impl f.cff_meta ->
ctx.type_params <- a.a_params;
| _ -> ());
(* TODO is_lib: lazify load_complex_type *)
Expand All @@ -2450,8 +2451,8 @@ let init_class ctx c p context_init herits fields =
| None, _ -> mk_mono()
| Some t, _ -> load_complex_type ctx p t
) in
let t_get,t_set = match c.cl_kind with
| KAbstractImpl a when Meta.has Meta.Impl f.cff_meta ->
let t_get,t_set = match abstract with
| Some a when Meta.has Meta.Impl f.cff_meta ->
if Meta.has Meta.IsVar f.cff_meta then error (f.cff_name ^ ": Abstract properties cannot be real variables") f.cff_pos;
let ta = apply_params a.a_params ( snd a.a_params) a.a_this in
tfun [ta] ret, tfun [ta;ret] ret
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2644,14 +2645,14 @@ let init_class ctx c p context_init herits fields =
with Error (Custom str,p2) when p = p2 ->
display_error ctx str p
) fields;
(match c.cl_kind with
| KAbstractImpl a ->
(match abstract with
| Some a ->
a.a_to_field <- List.rev a.a_to_field;
a.a_from_field <- List.rev a.a_from_field;
a.a_ops <- List.rev a.a_ops;
a.a_unops <- List.rev a.a_unops;
a.a_array <- List.rev a.a_array;
| _ -> ());
| None -> ());
c.cl_ordered_statics <- List.rev c.cl_ordered_statics;
c.cl_ordered_fields <- List.rev c.cl_ordered_fields;
Expand Down

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