3 Projects created in C
Note: All projects were tested and writen on linux
Compile using: gcc -Wall -ansi date.c -o date
Execute using: ./date An employee management system that allows user to add and remove employees from a database (txt file) using linked lists.
Compile using: gcc -Wall -ansi employee.c -o employee Execute using: ./employee > tmp where tmp is the file with the stored data. Conway's 0 player game of life simulated in C.
Compile using: gcc -Wall -ansi game-of-life.c -o gol
Execute using: ./gol [file] [width] [height] [rounds]
file = input file with the inital board
width - width of the board
height = height of the board
rounds = number of interations
Input file must be a txt file in layout:
First line contains the number of live cells
All following lines contain the 2D coordinates of the live cells