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More(!?) Converter, Comparator and ExpressionList ISSUES 😱  #5848




Skript/Server Version

[21:05:34 INFO]: [Skript] Skript's aliases can be found here:
[21:05:34 INFO]: [Skript] Skript's documentation can be found here:
[21:05:34 INFO]: [Skript] Skript's tutorials can be found here:
[21:05:34 INFO]: [Skript] Server Version: git-Paper-49 (MC: 1.20.1)
[21:05:34 INFO]: [Skript] Skript Version: 2.7.0-beta3 (skriptlang-github)
[21:05:34 INFO]: [Skript] Installed Skript Addons: None
[21:05:34 INFO]: [Skript] Installed dependencies: None

Bug Description

Remember #5045? Back with more issues 😈

Part 1: A Little Oopsie 🥒

loop 2 and "dog":
    if loop-value is 2:
        broadcast "hello"

Literal lists, so fun! The above code broadcasts nothing, though :(
The newly created expression list has the return type of (see #5047). This, however, isn't the issue yet; the actual problem is getting the comparator. There's no default Serializable - Long comparator, so Skript improvises and crafts a kinda working converted comparator... Well, almost... It appears someone has done a little oopsie here 😬 The condition should check against fromObject, not fromType.

It is worth noting that 2 is loop-value does not fix this, since it'll get to the same broken converter.

Part 2: Almost

Let's assume that little oopsie is fixed.
The converted comparator it uses appears to be something like (Number -> Byte) - Long. The issue here is Byte. Let's say someone would loop 256 and "dog"; converting 256 to byte gets us 0, so the following would work:

loop 256 and "dog":
    if loop-value is 0:
        broadcast "hi"  # it broadcasts ?!?

How does it get Number -> Byte?

See this.
Skript goes through the comparators in search of Serializable - Long. It finds Number - Number.
info.secondType.isAssignableFrom(secondType) is true since Number is a superclass of Long.
So now, for this comparator to work, Skript needs to convert Serializable to Number.

See this.
Skript is searching for a Serializable -> Number converter. It goes through converters and sees Number -> Byte which it wants to apply to Serializable.
fromType.isAssignableFrom(unknownInfo.getFrom()) && toType.isAssignableFrom(unknownInfo.getTo())
Serializable is a superclass of Number AND Number is a superclass of Byte. Great, we found our converter!

So the comparator is something like ([from Serializable]Number -> Byte) - Long. Yeesh.

Part 2.5:

loop 9 hours and 2 pm:
    if loop-value is 2 pm:
        broadcast "blob"

Uh, oh! We get a parse time error on this one 😭
Can't compare an object with a time

Again, swapping the objects does not work: Can't compare a time with an object . Thanks, Skript. 🙄

So... literal lists again... return type is YggdrasilSerializable (oof)
This time Skript simply couldn't find (or improvise) a comparator. In the previous case, Skript was 'lucky' enough to have a Number -> Child of Number converter which it could miraculously force into something new, but now... ☹️


Obviously, fixing the little mistake I've mentioned is not even close to being a complete solution (but it definitely must be fixed!!!). The other problems will remain.
The easiest solutions I could find are:

Both seem to work fine, but 🤷

Expected Behavior

Skript should compare objects properly.

Steps to Reproduce

on load:
    loop 2 and "dog":
        if loop-value is 2:
            broadcast "hi" 
    loop 9 hours and 2 pm:
        if 2 pm is loop-value:
            broadcast "blob"

Should've broadcasted:


Errors or Screenshots

No response


Currently, #5815 does not solve any of these problems.

As with #5045, a viable workaround for now is the default value expression (e.g. loop-value ? {_hello} is 2) or anything similar.


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bugAn issue that needs to be fixed. Alternatively, a PR fixing an issue.completedThe issue has been fully resolved and the change will be in the next Skript update.


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