- BeaconEffectEvent (11/03/2018)
- Handshaking Event (11/03/2018)
- PlayerArmorChangeEvent (11/03/2018)
- View Distance (11/03/2018)
- Set Arrow (11/03/2018)
- PlayerUseUnknownEntityEvent (11/03/2018)
- Tab footer/headers (11/04/2018)
- Protocol Version (11/04/2018)
- PlayerReadyArrowEvent (11/04/2018)
- Actionbar (11/06/2018)
- UnknownCommandEvent (11/06/2018)
- SpongeAbsorbEvent (11/10/2018)
- InventoryCloseEvent Reason (11/17/2018)
- Here's Johnny (11/17/2018)
BeaconEffect Event
- Called when a beacon effect is being applied to a player. (Can be useful for custom beacon effects)
Handshake Event
- This event is fired during a player handshake. (Can be useful for some stuff)
PlayerArmorChange Event
- Called when the player themselves change their armor items (Can be useful for detecting armor for some custom enchant related stuff)
- Pretty much changing the view distance of a player (Can be useful to reduce lag)
- Changing the amount of arrows stuck in the player (Can be useful to become a porcupine, crash your fps, and remove those arrows that are stuck on to you.)
PlayerUseUnknownEntity event
- called when a player interacts with a client sided/fake entity
- vanilla Skript now has client-side blocks so this might be useful
- Can set the header/footer of the tab list.
- Can get the protocol version number that the player is currently using.
- List of Protocol Version numbers,
PlayerReadyArrowEvent Event
- Called when a player is firing a bow and the server is choosing an arrow to use.
- Can be good to combine with the shoot event.
- Can be used to send an action bar to the player
- Can be used to change the message of a undefined command.
- (This event was added in 1.13.2)
- Called when a sponge absorbs water from the world.
- Can be spammy when you have to debug it
- This event won't change it back to 1.7 sponge mechanics, since the sponge will end up not absorbing the water around it.
- Returns the reason why the inventory got closed
- When in Johnny mode the Vindicator will be hostile to any kind of mob, except for evokers, ghasts, illusioners and other vindicators. It will even be hostile to vexes. All mobs, except for endermites, phantoms, guardians, slimes and magma cubes, will try to attack the vindicator in return.