- A website that makes connecting with professionals really easy.
Name - Error404 Members -
- Suyash Kumar (IT 1st Year)
- Arjun Deshwal (ECE 1st Year)
- Varun Pandey (IT 1st Year)
- Kunal Khandelwal (IT 1st Year)
Prerequisites - You should have NodeJS, MongoDB(local version) installed on your system.
- Run - git clone https://github.com/Skr-suyash/ooc-project-final.git
cd backend
Backend will run on port 8000.
npm install npm run dev
- On new terminal,
cd frontend
->npm install
->npm run dev
- Frontend will run on 5173
- Go to http://localhost:5173/
- REACT - Frontend Framework
- MongoDB - NoSQL Database in the Backend
- NodeJS - Backend
- ExpressJS - Backend
- TailwindCSS - Frontend
- MaterialUI - Frontend
- OAUTH0 - Authentication