A script to scan apk files for the debuggable flag and order them by their shared uid if there is
How to use this script:
1 Install apktool (not needed for the aapt only version)
2 Install aapt
3 You can use the script, but how does it work? It has three modes:
- ./script folder_with_apks [enter]
this is the simple scan, and the end you will get a summary on the terminal only
- ./script folder_with_apks text_file.txt [enter]
this type of scan is like the simple scan but will generate a report of the scan, think of it like doing >> file.txt at the end of a command
- ./script folder_with_apks --report-debuggable-only text_file.txt [enter]
this type of scan will generate a report with only the debuggable apps ordered by their shared uid, useful if you don't want the full output of the command but only the informations of the apps
Added a version (aapt-only) that doesn't decompile and instead parses the manifest with aapt, it should in theory never fail at checking apks, you can try it in case apktool one fails for you