Website URL:
- semantic HTML5.
- reactJS.
- styled-components: RWD - responsive web design, flex and grid layouts,
- react-helmet: SEO,
- global state managment: redux toolkit with local storage ( shopping cart and wishlist ), react context api ( all products, search filters, user authentication, handling modals ),
- firebase: hosting, user authentication ( firebase hooks: sign in, log in, log out, password reset ), fireStore ( storing users shopping history ), firebase storage ( storing user profile image ),
- react-router-dom v6: routing,
- DatoCMS as headless CMS (storing products),
- axios and graphQL ( fetching data from API ),
- forms: Formik library with Yup validation ( implemented in login page ), custom forms with my custom validation ( contact form, sign in modal ),
- emailJS: sending emails from contact page,
- react-downshift: combobox components for products filters ( main page ),
- react-slideshow-image: images slider ( product page - 3 product images ),
- react-scroll: scrolling into elements view,
- intersection observer api: triggering scroll animations with intersection observers,
- animations: Gsap and styled-compoents - keyframes,
- uuid: generating random ID's,
- react-spinners: loading state spinners,
- react-payment: handling card information inputs,
- designing layouts: and
- react testing library & jest
- cypress (e2e - end to end tests)
You can use test account to test the application:
email:, password: test123
hides when user scrolls page down, shows up when user scrolls page up,
Sneakers: / (intro page),
Home: /allProducts,
About: /about,
Contact: /contact,
Wishlist svg /wishlist,
Cart svg /cart,
Profile svg /profile.
Hero Page (intro page) ( ) :
- hero image background animation with sneakers logo in the middle:
- animations start when image is fully loaded,
- "Discover" button triggers page transition animation to /AllProducts page (main page).
All Products Page ( ) :
- 36 products queried from DatoCms by axios + graphQL:
- every product has 3 pictures, price, category and gender,
- filters bar:
- stays sticky to top of the screen when user scrolls down to allow constant access to filters,
- user can filter products by gender, category (running, essentials, originals, winter) and price (ascending, descending),
- search bar:
- user can search for product from all products or with applied filters,
- products grid:
- wishlist button in the right corner of every product tile,
- user can add product to wishlist if button is unfilled, otherwise product is already added to wishlist and user can delete it,
- products pagination:
- pagination bar under the products grid with highlighted active page,
- 12 products per page,
- automatically adding pages when products are added to CMS.
- images swipe slider: every product has 3 images,
- product description:
- description split to 4 sections,
- sections titles bar stays sticky to the top of the screen,
- user can scroll to each section,
- active section is being highlighted,
- fade in animations for every description section - triggered on scroll using intersection observers API,
- adding section:
- stays sticky to the right half of the screen,
- if device height is lower than adding section height, section scrolls automatically when user scrolls the page up and down,
- user can add product to cart after selecting size. If size is not selected error animation and text will be displayed,
- user can increase and decrease the amount of products by clicking on plus and minus buttons or by specifying a number inside an input,
- after successfully adding product to cart, success modal is shown,
- user can add product to wishlist if wishlist button is unfilled, otherwise it means that product is already in wishlist and user can remove it.
Cart Page ( ) :
- displays products added to shopping cart,
- cart products are saved in local storage and global application state - redux toolkit,
- user can edit amount of products using input or plus/minut buttons,
- user can delete product,
- user can add product to wishlist, if product is already in wishlist error modal is shown, otherwise product will be added to wishlist and success modal will be shown,
- summary:
- user can add comment for an order,
- user can add promo code - skeabrate (my github nick) whitch gives 20% discount,
- checkout button opens payment modal with credit card form validation ( credit card information is not stored anywhere ),
- after successfully submitting payment form, user can finalize an order,
- after finalizing an order, shopping cart will be cleared and the order will be stored in profile shopping history (firestore) if the user is logged in.
Wishlist Page ( ) :
- displays products added to wishlist,
- wishlist products are saved in local storage and global application state - redux toolkit.
Contact Page ( ) :
- custom contact form with custom validation,
- after filling out the form correctly and clicking submit button, email is beeing sent via EmailJS and success modal is shown,
- if an error occurs during sending an email, information modal with error message will be shown.
About Us Page ( ) :
- animations made using gsap library (gsap-scrollTriger),
- different hover effects using styled-components,
Log In Page ( ) :
- user can register an account: register button opens register modal ( custon form with my custom validation ),
- user can login with existing account: login Formik form with Yup validation,
- displays error messages in case of entering incorrect data,
- user can reset a password:
- an e-mail notification with a link to the page containing the form for entering a new password.
Profile Page ( ) :
- user can log out using logout button - sticky to the right bottom corner of the screen,
- profile details:
- sticky to the left part of the screen,
- user can set a profile image ( image is stored in firebase storage ),
- if image weight is higher than 1mb or an error occurs during saving, error modal will be shown, otherwise new profile image will be saved and success modal will be shown,
- user can reset a password by receiving a link to the reset password page,
- shopping history:
- user can view every order details including: unique order id, date of purchase and ordered products information: quantity of each product, product price and selected size,
- orders are paginated ( 8 orders per page ) and loaded when user scrolls to the bottom of the page.
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run start
To run tests, run the following commands:
- react-testing-library & jest:
npm run test
- cypress:
npm run test:e2e