I am trying to label a dataset of some thousand images. I have already some label files in yolo format. When I try to import them the website often crash (both local and online)
To facilitate the integration I have subdivided the dataset into batches of 1000 images+labels. Importing the images is not a problem but when importing the labels often it crashes.
To replicate:
- Import the folder of images using drag and drop.
- Select object detection
- Start the project without insert any label
- Go to actions > Import Annotation > Multiple files in YOLO Format
- Import the labels (both from drag&drop and selecting the files)
I expect to import the labels without the program crashes the majority of the time. If it requires some time to elaborate the labels, maybe an expected time for loading should appear to the screen.
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04
- Browser: Chrome (89.0.4389.114)
- Version: git develop