- Bellevue, WA
zidingz / Java
Forked from TheAlgorithms/JavaAll Algorithms implemented in Java
A 3D (raymarching) rendering engine. In java because i am speed
Build fully-functioning computer vision models with PyTorch
A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Cheat sheet used to make things (mechanic, electronic ...)
A python frontend for solid modelling that compiles to OpenSCAD
OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller
FreeCAD module to create laser cut interlocking parts.
The FastLED library for colored LED animation on Arduino. Please direct questions/requests for help to the FastLED Reddit community: http://fastled.io/r We'd like to use github "issues" just for tr…
Compose music and write score easily in your browser!
Keybase Go Library, Client, Service, OS X, iOS, Android, Electron
Modern PHP user login and management framework
A web-based interface for CNC milling controller running Grbl, Marlin, Smoothieware, or TinyG.
The world's most 3D printable 3D printer. (Guinness Book of World Records 2017 & 2018)
Miscellaneous Thingiverse Projects and One Offs
Firmware for Original Prusa i3 3D printer by PrusaResearch
Prior to making any Submission(s), you must sign an Adobe Contributor License Agreement, available here at: https://opensource.adobe.com/cla.html. All Submissions you make to Adobe Inc. and its aff…
V-Slot based 3D printer based on the general shape of a Prusa i3 but, ya know, not :D
GRBL CNC command sender, autoleveler and g-code editor
Simple Web-App and HowTo for setting up a Raspberry Pi with Camera for Time-lapse Photography
This project reached its end-of-life on 2016-09-28. Contains conversion of ZF1 subversion repo to git, from version 15234 forward, and only containing master and release-1.12 branches and 1.12 tags.
A powerful cross-platform raw photo processing program
Skylight is a simple control program for DLP 3D printers
Access serial ports with JavaScript. Linux, OSX and Windows. Welcome your robotic JavaScript overlords. Better yet, program them!