My custom math library that I use for developing games and graphics programs
Note: You only need simd_sincos.h if you want the simd sin() and cos() functions. Otherwise you can just use jm_math.h. When including simd_sincos.h you need to #define JM_MATH_USE_SSE_TRANSCENDENTALS to include the code.
You can use the following defines before including this file to change what is included
- JM_MATH_IMPLEMENTATION : will include the implementation. Otherwise this file acts like a regular header file)
- JM_MATH_USE_SSE : will include sse functions
- JM_MATH_USE_AVX : will include avx functions
- JM_MATH_USE_SSE_TRANSCENDENTALS : Needed for some sse functions. Currently requires an external file for sin_ps() and cos_ps() implementations
- JM_USE_SIMD_ALL : include all simd related functions(may exclude transcendentals)
TODO: Clean up the simd functions. Have auto detect for sse/avx and include them by default.