Bare 8080 cpu emulator. Based on this guide
Currently does not support DAA(Decimal Adjust Accumulator) instructions.
This repo doesn't include any machine layers.
- DAA support
- Cycle stepping instead of instruction stepping for better compatibility with other hardware emulation.
The code was tested using the cpudiag progam found in the test folder.
Compile test.c with:
clang test.c -DCPUDIAG=1
or gcc test.c -DCPUDIAG=1
When you run it you should see CPU IS OPERATIONAL
Note: the cpudiag code uses a platform specific instruction ORG 00100H
to start the program at byte 0x100.
To deal with this test.c does a little trick to make it work.
There is also a special version of CALL(0xcd) in the emulator for handling the printing for the diagnostic program. This needs to be enabled with -DCPUDIAG=1
when you compile for testing.