A Flutter package that provides a simple way to create a customized Dropdown widget.
- only selectable dropdown
- searchable and selectable dropdown
Support Dropdown customization
- Exactly align the dropdown menu with the dropdown button via
- Customize the dropdown menu using
- Exactly align the dropdown menu with the dropdown button via
Control the Dropdown programmatically via
- Selected items would be managed by the controller, and share the state across widgets/pages
Searchable Dropdown. See example
- Enable search feature for the dropdown menu.
Loading items synchronously/asynchronously via
import 'package:dropdown_overlay/dropdown_overlay.dart';
/// The widget that will be used to trigger the dropdown.
/// It can be a button, a text field, or any other widget.
/// if [enabled] is true, the widget will be interactive automatically to open and dismiss the dropdown menu
/// when tapping inside/outside of the dropdown button/trigger;
/// otherwise, you need to call [DropdownController.open] and [DropdownController.dismiss] manually.
final WidgetBuilder builder;
/// The controller that will be used to manage the dropdown menu and items.
/// See also:
/// * [DropdownController.single]
/// * [DropdownController.multi]
final DropdownController<T> controller;
/// Delegate that will be used to build the dropdown menu.
/// See also:
/// * [ListViewMenuBuilderDelegate]
/// * [CustomMenuBuilderDelegate]
final DropdownMenuBuilderDelegate<T> delegate;
/// The decoration that will be used to decorate the dropdown menu.
/// It only takes effect when the menu is displaying.
/// See also:
/// * [OverlayedDropdownMenu], the dropdown menu widget used to display the items.
final BoxDecoration? menuDecoration;
/// The constraints that will be used to constrain the dropdown menu.
/// It only takes effect when the menu is displaying.
/// It will work with [crossAxisConstrained] to constrain the dropdown menu if applicable.
final BoxConstraints? menuConstraints;
/// The position that will be used to position the dropdown menu.
/// See also
/// * [DropdownMenuPosition]
final DropdownMenuPosition menuPosition;
/// Whether the dropdown menu should be constrained by the cross axis of the dropdown trigger.
/// It will work with [menuConstraints] to constrain the dropdown menu if applicable.
/// It only takes effect when the menu is displaying.
/// Typically, it is specific if the dropdown menu should have the same width as the dropdown trigger.
final bool crossAxisConstrained;
/// Whether the dropdown menu should be dismissed when the user taps outside of both it and the dropdown button.
final bool dismissible;
/// if true, the dropdown will be interactive automatically;
/// otherwise, you need to call [DropdownController.open] and [DropdownController.dismiss] manually.
final bool enabled;
/// Whether the dropdown button/trigger built from [builder] should listen to the controller.
/// As a result, the button [builder] will be rebuilt when [DropdownController] changes, like selected items
final bool enableListen;
required this.builder,
required this.controller,
this.enableListen = true,
this.menuPosition = const DropdownMenuPosition(),
this.crossAxisConstrained = true,
this.dismissible = true,
this.enabled = true,
/// The builder that will be used to build the items in the dropdown menu.
required MenuItemBuilder<T> itemBuilder,
/// The builder that will be used to build the separator in the dropdown menu.
/// it would use [LiveView.separated] internally to build the dropdown menu if provided.
IndexedWidgetBuilder? separatorBuilder,
/// The builder that will be used to build the loading indicator in the dropdown menu.
/// Default to a [CircularProgressIndicator] if not provided.
WidgetBuilder? loadingBuilder,
/// The builder that will be used to build the empty list indicator in the dropdown menu.
/// Default to Text("No items") if not provided.
WidgetBuilder? emptyListBuilder,
}) : delegate = ListViewMenuBuilderDelegate<T>(
itemBuilder: itemBuilder,
position: menuPosition,
separatorBuilder: separatorBuilder,
loadingBuilder: loadingBuilder,
emptyListBuilder: emptyListBuilder,
required this.builder,
required this.controller,
/// The builder that will be used to build the dropdown menu.
required DropdownMenuBuilder<T> menuBuilder,
this.enableListen = true,
this.menuPosition = const DropdownMenuPosition(),
this.crossAxisConstrained = true,
this.dismissible = true,
this.enabled = true,
}) : delegate = CustomMenuBuilderDelegate<T>(menuBuilder);
- Single Selection
/// A single selection dropdown controller.
/// [unselectable] indicates whether the selected item can be unselected,
/// if true, either tapping the same selected item or [select] null item will unselect it;
/// otherwise, it will be ignored.
/// Only one item can be selected at a time.
factory DropdownController.single({
// Default is false.
bool? unselectable,
/// The initial items that will be shown in the dropdown menu,
/// but you can only set one of them as selected.
List<DropdownItem<T>>? items,
}) = SingleSelectionDropdownController;
- Multiple Selection
/// A multiple selection dropdown controller.
/// [unselectable] indicates whether the selected item can be unselected,
/// if true, tapping the same selected item will unselect it;
/// otherwise, it will be ignored.
factory DropdownController.multi({
// Default is false.
bool? unselectable,
/// The initial items that will be shown in the dropdown menu,
/// you can set multiple of them as selected.
List<DropdownItem<T>>? items,
}) = MultiSelectionDropdownController;
void open({VoidCallback? onOpened})
: open the dropdown menu -
void dismiss({VoidCallback? onDismissed})
: dismiss the dropdown menu -
void rebuildMenu()
: refresh the dropdown menu if it is opened -
void dispose()
: dispose the controller -
void select(T? value, {bool dismiss = true, bool refresh = true})
: mark the item's as selecteddismiss
: whether to dismiss the dropdown menu no matter if the value is selected or notrefresh
: whether to refresh the dropdown menu after the value is selected
DropdownItem<T>? getLastSelected()
: get the last selected item- for single selection, it always returns the current selected item
- for multiple selection, it returns the last selected item
List<DropdownItem<T>> getAllSelectedItems()
: get all selected items- for single selection, it always returns the current selected item
- for multiple selection, it returns all selected items
Future<void> load(DropdownItemLoader<T> loader, {bool replace = false, bool Function(Object)? onException})
: load items from the loaderreplace
: whether to replace the current items with the loaded items. If not, the loaded items will be appended to the current items.onException
: a callback to handle the exception thrown by the loader
void search<K extends Object>(K query, {required DropdownItemMatcher<K, T> matcher})
: search the items by the querymatcher
: a function to match the query with each item.
void setItems(List<DropdownItem<T>> items, {bool replace = false, bool rebuild = true})
: set the items to the controllerreplace
: whether to replace the current items with the new items.- If not, the new items will be appended to the current items.
- If yes, the controller would clear internal state and reinitialize itself with the new items.
: whether to rebuild the dropdown menu after the items are set.
void setAsHistoryItems(Object key, List<DropdownItem<T>> items,{bool rebuild = false})
: set the items as an history entry and place it on the top of the history entries, likesearch
: the key to identify the history itemsrebuild
: whether to rebuild the dropdown menu after the items are set.
void restore({bool onlyOnce = false})
: restore the initial and loaded items.onlyOnce
: if true, only pop the top history entry; otherwise, it will clear all history entries to show the initial and loaded items.
- support dropdown menu animation