Event scheduling website which allows to create,invite and accept invitations of public/private events.
1.Clone this repo and unzip in htdocs found under xampp
2.Run phpMyAdmin and create database event_scheduler and import db from the database sql uploaded.
After unzipping rename it as Semantic.
-Unzip these in main folder.
Everything is set Now -->
Launch browser and to link localhost/Event_Scheduler/home
3.You can login/sign up from top as user/admin.
Your signup request will be received to admin and will be activated by admin.
For admin login with following credentials
email : admin@gmail.com
select admin from dropdown
1.After login you are on dashboard displaying statistics :
-Total Registered Users
-Total Active Users
-Total inactive Users
2.From navbar select venues
-Add New Venue and venue details(always give end time greater than the start time).
-Update or Delete
3.From navbar select users
-To activate/deactivate users
4.Update password option
-Venues can be viewed from navbar
-All Venues(along with their google location) are displayed with time limit set by Admin
-User can input time and date for booking and select the venue
-All the Events are displayed under Events
-and the events which will be attended by user is under emaild
-After giving input “+” will redirect to create event
-Invite can be send from Event page
-user can accept/reject Invitation
-google login on login page(google login will function only without proxy)
-After creating event user can upload file to describe
-if no venue is available you are provided with relative results (by clicking on button)
-user can give multiple inputs if any available it is displayed (first select number of inputs and then fill the fields)
-from the event page user can change privacy (toggle)
-if user want to attend the event he can request by
-Notification to all users attending any event under Notification
-Invites tab show you the invitations sent by the event craetor
-Events tab show you the public events for which request can be send
-Requests tab show you the users requesting to attend the event created by you
-User email will show you the all the events you are associated with.