This program is an n-body simulation of the main bodies of our solar system, using Cowell's formula to calculate the bodies's orbital state vectors.
Compiling is done using the cargo build
cargo build
For performance related reasons, it is recommend to build the program in release mode
cargo build -r
To run the program, ensure that the Sol_Full.json
file is located in the same folder as the program's executable.
If you want to use another JSON file instead, place it in the same folder as the executable and pass its filename(extension included) as a command line argument to the executable
physicssim_rust.exe Example.json
The bodies included in the default JSON can be replaced by any other orbital data, the JSON follows the following Format:
"Info" //General info about the system itself
"name" : //Name of System
"date" : //Currently unused, used to track the beginning date of the simulation
"Bodies" //Contains data about the orbital bodies to be simulated
{ //Example of an Orbital Body
"name": "Sol", // Name of orbital object
"radius": 696342000, //radius of object (meters - m)
"mass": 1988500e+24, // mass (kg)
"location": [ -1.068108951496322e+09, -4.177210908491462E+08, 3.086887010002915E+07 ], // Position in the x,y,z axis respectively (meters)
"velocity": [ 9.305302656256911E+00, -1.283177282717393E+01, -1.631700118015769E-01 ] // Ditto, but for velocity (meters/second)