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Crash on call ddu#start({}) by E523: Not allowed here in some case #14



Warning: I will close the issue without the minimal init.vim and the
reproduction instructions.

Problems summary

Invoking call ddu#start({}) crashes denops.vim itself by E523: Not allowed here when statusline/tabline call function that invokes RPC call on Vim and Neovim (or sleep on Neovim.)

It seems sbuffer is called in statusline/tabline update context because of RPC asynchronous call and it seems that's not allowed. So I guess this is more likely a bug on Vim/Neovim side but not sure...

I wonder if call ddu#start({}) wrap internal call with timer_start() to evacuate sbuffer from that context solves this issue or not.


Works properly

Environment Information

  • ddu.vim version (SHA1): b52e60b

  • denops.vim version (SHA1): 963a8a9

  • gin.vim (SHA1): fe45b9e

    • NOTE: Workaround for this issue is already applied so you MUST use this SHA1 to reproduce the issue
  • deno version(deno -V output): deno 1.20.3

  • OS: macOS 12.3

  • neovim/Vim :version output:

    • Neovim v0.7.0-dev+1373-g80d4d6b48
    • Neovim v0.6.2
    • Vim 8.2.4600
  • :checkhealth or :CheckHealth result(neovim only):

Provide a minimal init.vim/vimrc with less than 50 lines (Required!)

if exists('+compatible') && &compatible
  set nocompatible

" Disable Vim's native pack feature
set packpath=

" Clone in somewhere
" and specify that directory to the below
set runtimepath^=~/.config/nvim/pack/jetpack/src/denops.vim
set runtimepath^=~/.config/nvim/pack/jetpack/src/gin.vim
set runtimepath^=~/.config/nvim/pack/jetpack/src/ddu.vim
set runtimepath^=~/.config/nvim/pack/jetpack/src/ddu-ui-ff
set runtimepath^=~/.config/nvim/pack/jetpack/src/ddu-kind-file
set runtimepath^=~/.config/nvim/pack/jetpack/src/ddu-source-file_rec
set runtimepath^=~/.config/nvim/pack/jetpack/src/ddu-filter-matcher_substring

filetype plugin indent on
syntax on

nnoremap ; :
nnoremap : ;

call ddu#custom#patch_global({
    \   'ui': 'ff',
    \   'sources': [{'name': 'file_rec', 'params': {}}],
    \   'sourceOptions': {
    \     '_': {
    \       'matchers': ['matcher_substring'],
    \     },
    \   },
    \   'kindOptions': {
    \     'file': {
    \       'defaultAction': 'open',
    \     },
    \   }
    \ })

set showtabline=2
" Crash with RPC calls in Vim or Neovim
set tabline=%{gin#component#worktree#name()}
" Or crash with sleep in Neovim (Vim won't)
" set tabline=%{Sleep()}
function! Sleep() abort
  sleep 10m
  return "Hello"

echomsg "Custom minimal vimrc has loaded"

How to reproduce the problem from neovim/Vim startup (Required!)

  1. Invoke :call ddu#start({})

Screenshot (if possible)

CleanShot 2022-04-01 at 08 08 11



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