Provides a cool pricing grid section for the Hugo theme Wowchemy
Install the block by referencing it in your
:module: imports: - path:
max_card_columns: null
- name: null
default_hr: false
hover_disabled: false
description: null
currency_symbol: $
currency_suffix: false
price: null
price_period: null
- icon_pack: null
icon: null
icon_css: null
- name: null
icon_pack: null
icon: null
icon_css: null
- icon_pack: null
icon: null
icon_css: null
icon_label: null
url: null
widget: 'github.shoginn.pricing-cards'
# This file represents a page section.
headless: true
# Order that this section appears on the page.
weight: 1
# Title at the top of the Section
title: Our Prices
# Subtitle
subtitle: What do I get for that price?
# Maximum number of cards wide (Defaults to flex aka no number)
max_card_columns: 4
# Block Configuration Items
# Currency defaults to USD ($)
# Icon Packs Can be any of the icon packs supported by wowchemy
# (Emoji, fas, fab, custom SVG, OR image)
# Pricing Cards Array (Each name creates a box)
- name: Et eu dolore incididunt incididunt dolor enim veniam minim.
description: Eu et ex laboris in commodo culpa veniam commodo commodo commodo dolore adipisicing.
price: 100
price_period: year
- icon_pack: fas
icon: person
- name: Anim irure do culpa in eu qui ullamco pariatur.
icon_pack: emoji
icon: ∞
- icon_pack: fas
icon: calendar-alt
icon_label: Order Now
url: /order
- name: Deserunt aliquip eu esse ex culpa culpa sint enim ut nostrud laborum elit deserunt.
description: Exercitation in est deserunt tempor labore aliqua.
price: 10
price_period: month
- icon_pack: custom
icon: test-tube
icon_css: width:100px;height:100px;
- name: Veniam excepteur magna do occaecat excepteur ullamco sunt ut officia.
icon_pack: emoji
icon: ⭐️
- icon_pack: fas
icon: calendar-alt
icon_label: Order Now
url: /order
- name: This card has a disabled hover effect, as well as the default horizontal rule!
default_hr: true
hover_disabled: true
description: I also changed the size of the icon! See the font-awesome css ref
price: 10
price_period: day
currency_symbol: €
currency_suffix: true
- icon_pack: fas
icon: person
icon_css: fa-xl
- name: Deserunt voluptate qui adipisicing consectetur ullamco ea anim commodo est consequat fugiat velit eiusmod eiusmod.
icon_pack: emoji
icon: 🇬🇧
- icon_pack: fas
icon: calendar-alt
icon_label: Order Now
url: /order
Content Below