- beeTowerFunctionality() - Anh Le
- This test checks whether placing a Bee Tower on the board successfully increases monument health. The purpose of the bee tower is to increase monument health, so each time the tower is placed, monument health should be increased by 20. This is one of the mechanisms that helps the player defeat the enemies.
- enemiesHealthZero() - Anh Le
- This test checks to make sure that enemies disappear from the map when their health reaches zero. This is accomplished by removing the enemy from the gameActivityViewModel Linked List. When the health of an enemy is zero, they are automatically removed the list of enemies in the game.
- enemyNotWithinProximity() - Helen Chen
- This test checks whether or not a Hornet Tower can attack an enemy not within proximity. This is important since the hornet tower is responsible for attacking enemies, but should only be allowed to decrease enemy damage when the enemy is close enough.
- enemyWithinProximity() - Helen Chen
- This test checks whether or not a Hornet Tower can attack an enemy within promixity. This ensures that there is a way for enemy health to decrease, and thus for the enemy to eventually die before reaching the monument.
- waspTowerFunctionality() - Ori Yoked
- This test checks whether placing a Wasp Tower generates a coin or not. The Wasp Tower is the only way the player can gain money throughout the game to purchase more towers, so this functionality is extremely important. Placing the tower should generate a coin.
- coinFunctionality() - Ori Yoked
- This test checks whether or not collecting the coin increases the player money. After the wasp tower generates the coin, the user is in charge of collecting the coin so the player money actually increases.
- enemyAttackedTwice() - Tomer Shmul
- This test checks whether a hornet tower can attack an enemy twice. Since a tower should be able to attack any enemy within proximity, it should be able to attack an enemy more than once, even if the enemy moves. This test ensures that even after an enemy moves, the tower is still able to attack the enemy.
- differentEnemyFunctionality() - Tomer Shmul
- This test checks to make sure that different enemy types have distinct gameplay. One of the features is having different damage levels, so that they cause different levels of damage on monuments. This is a crucial feature to the game since it helps the user consider which enemies to first attack with the hornet tower.
- distinctBehavior() - Harriet Kim
- This test checks to make sure that all three towers have different functionalities and can affect the same player in different ways. This is important because it adds more variety to the game and makes the user weigh the importance of each tower to decide which tower to buy.
- slowDeath() - Harriet Kim
- This test checks to make sure that enemies are slowly killed by towers, rather than in an instant. This allows the game to add visual or descriptive aids so the player knows that the enemy is taking damage.