I have a question about the error message as follows.
I used maf files from TCGAmutations.
For the mode "ID", I got an error as "More than 2 regions counted, please report your data and code to developer!"
brca <- tcga_load("BRCA")
mt_tally_ID <- sig_tally(
ref_genome = "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19",
use_syn = TRUE,
mode = "ID",
add_trans_bias = TRUE
ℹ [2023-12-05 14:33:32.010136]: INDEL matrix generation - start.
✔ [2023-12-05 14:33:34.646027]: Reference sequences queried from genome.
✔ [2023-12-05 14:33:34.669403]: INDEL length extracted.
✔ [2023-12-05 14:33:34.92571]: Adjacent copies counted.
✔ [2023-12-05 14:37:07.416215]: Microhomology size calculated.
✔ [2023-12-05 14:37:07.795835]: INDEL records classified into different components (types).
✔ [2023-12-05 14:37:07.821577]: ID-28 matrix created.
✔ [2023-12-05 14:37:07.847312]: ID-83 matrix created.
✖ [2023-12-05 14:37:07.973748]: More than 2 regions counted, please report your data and code to developer!