the python variant of HECTOR force and moment-based MPC code with low-level control
ROS2 package that implements a nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) pipeline for trajectory tracking for aerial vehicles that use the PX4 Autopilot
Aerial Gym Simulator - Isaac Gym Simulator for Aerial Robots
A beautiful, simple, clean, and responsive Jekyll theme for academics
MPC implementation using acados integrated with with PX4 on ROS2
AutoTrans: A Complete Planning and Control Framework for Autonomous UAV Payload Transportation
Impact-Aware Planning and Control for Aerial Robots with Suspended Payloads
Time-Optimal Planning for Long-Range Quadrotor Flights: An Automatic Optimal Synthesis Approach
Supplementary materials for "Learning Agile and Dynamic Motor Skills for Legged Robots"
Data Driven Dynamics Modeling for Aerial Vehicles
VisionOS App + Python Library to stream head / wrist / finger tracking data from Vision Pro to any robots.
A physics-driven, interactive lunar lander simulator.
A multirotor simulator with aerodynamics for education and research.
A Crazyflie simulator for testing CFLib Python code, ROS 2 nodes through Crazyswarm2, custom crazyflie-firmware modules, or perform a flight demo on the crazyflie-python-client.
Implementation of L1 adaptive control with ardupilot firmware.
Official implementation for the paper "CoVO-MPC: Theoretical Analysis of Sampling-based MPC and Optimal Covariance Design" accepted by L4DC 2024. CoVO-MPC is an optimal sampling-based MPC algorithm.
Easy and ready to use animation models for Matlab and python
Training transferable end-to-end quadrotor control policies on a laptop in 18 seconds.
L1 Adaptive Control implemented for the Crazyflie nano-scale quadcoptor platform
Open source materials for a novel structured legged robot, including mechanical design, electronic design, algorithm simulation, and software development. | 一个新型结构的轮腿机器人开源资料,包含机械设计、电子设计、算法仿真、软件开发等材料
This is a minimal repository containing the Matlab / Simulink to test a quadrotor subjected to single / double rotor failures, the incremental-nonlinear-dynamic-inversion controller.
Imposition of Hard Convex Constraints on Neural Networks
By introducing a differentiable contact model, DiffCoSim extends the applicability of Lagrangian/Hamiltonian-inspired neural networks to enable learning of hybrid dynamics.