I'm ShenBao(尘墨),Front-end developer ,focus on React、Data Visualization and Build tools.
( ☀️🔭 I’m currently looking for a job, you can contact me if you have a suitable one, thanks ~ 🎉 )
{折腾 ⇌ 迷茫 ⇌ 思考 ⇌ 行动 ⇌ 总结 ⇌ 反思 ⇌ 再迭代]ing,在路上...
- 🔭 Front-end developer
- 🍉 React Hooks + TypeScript + Webpack + Vite + Micro Frontends + ...
- 🍒 Redux、Mobx、Redux Toolkit、Zustand、Antd、ahooks、Formily、...
- 🎄 Data Visualization use the ECharts、AntV、D3.js ...
- 🌱 Learning Web3D、BI、AI、...
- 🛠 Creator of fastx、 rsa-aes-utils、 react-slider-verify ...
- 📍 Beijing
- 💬 WeChat: shenbao_one (注:请备注来意)
- ✉️ Email: shenbaoone@126.com
- 😄 GitHub: ShenBao
- ⚡ Blog: ShenBao