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yangyile-yyle88 yyle88
Meliksah Yorulmazlar meliksahyorulmazlar
Computer Science @ Rensselaer

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute New York

Rahman Amani Fard RamonAf90
While (life[day] != '\0') { eat(); sleep(); code(); day++; }
Senior Vue.js Developer seniorvuejsdeveloper
Senior Vue.js Developer with a passion for crafting exceptional web applications. With expertise in 🌟 Vue.js, 🚀 Nuxt.js, and ⚙️ Node.js 💻🚀 @mustafacagri

Vue Companies Istanbul

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Dallas, TX

Carolay Vasquez carovasq
Full-Stack web Developer | FemCoders
Alicia Fernandez Bustelo alicifer
I'm currently studing code at 42 Malaga. I have a degree in Food Science and have worked in Production and R&D.


Mustafa Çağrı Güven mustafacagri
👾 Senior Frontend Wizard 🎩 Vue.js 3 ☄ Nuxt.js 3 🌟 Next.js 14 🌠 React.js 18 💻 TypeScript 🦄 Node.js ☃ Express.js 🌸 Pinia 🔥 Typescript 🎨 Tailwind

İstanbul / ✈️ 🌎

Charles Chrismann Charles-Chrismann
Étudiant en 3e année de Développement Web à l'IIM

Institut de l'Internet et du Multimédia (IIM) Paris, La Défense

Daniel García DgPrometeo
Developer in progress | 42 Málaga

42 Fundación Telefónica Málaga, Spain

dparada dparada5

42 Malaga Malaga

Pablo González González pablooglez
Software Developer | Cybersecurity | 42 Málaga Student

@42School Málaga

Tobias Tobiianselmo
Student at 42 Málaga.

42 Malaga Malaga

Rojohn SrVariable
I know more than I believe and less than you think.

42 Málaga Málaga

Un ganador.. Es un perdedor que lo volvió a intentar.
Victor Suarez-Lledo [vsanz-su] VictorSuarezL
PhD in Computational Social Science. #NLP #ML #DataScience #PythonDeveloper

University of Granada

Jose jceron-g
Enviromental Scientist | Currently studying at 42 School in Málaga | Enjoying my time and making my way in the world of programming :D

42 Fundación Telefónica Málaga

Backend and Frontend Developer, and BlockChain developer warmice71

Christian Deacon gamemann
DevOps engineer with a love for open source! @modcommunity @deaconn-net @bestmods @Packet-Batch

@deaconn-net Mullica Hill, New Jersey, US

Nakshatra Goel Nakshatra05
3rd Year Engineering Student at IIT Roorkee. A passionate and dedicated developer with a strong focus on creating robust and innovative software solutions

Delhi, India

Ivo Petkov ip681
🔵 Data Analyst 📊

Sofia, Bulgaria

Aman Brhane Ambesawi
💻 Passionate about coding, problem-solving, and building software solutions 🌐 Interested in web development, algorithms, and software architecture

Addis Ababa

Davyd Bredykhin BredyByte
01001110 01000111 01000111 01011001 01010101

Student 42 Málaga Spain, Málaga

Makda Abraham Makitey
🎓 Electrical Engineering and Information Technology graduate 🚀 Passionate about programming and technology

Addis Ababa

João Oliveira jotavare
DevOps Engineer

Bosch Portugal

Ismael Cruces iscruc
Student at 42 School

Student at 42 Málaga Spain

May minimays
You'll find me climbing, going for via ferratas and going beyond expected. Reach out if you wanna talk about adventures, technology or new opportunities.

UI Dev | Technical Marketer | HTML | CSS | Wordpress | ActiveCampaign | 42 Málaga student Spain

Yassine Bouhaik yassinebhk
Estudiante de 42 Málaga | Estudiante del doble grado de Matemáticas + Telecomunicaciones
Coder for fun!
A.S Dev superdev87
Senior Full Stack Developer | Python | C# | Node.js | React | Next.js

Independent, Remote

Ömer Akrum Omar95-A
Software Engineer | Front-End Developer

Self-employed İstanbul, Turkey

Alp ₿📈🚀🌕 IDouble
🗽 Be greedy when others are fearful and be fearful when others are greedy ☕️ Full-Stack 🖥💻📱⌚️ Finance, Crypto ⛓ (Blockchain, Smart contracts etc.)

IDEX/USD @IDEXio Zurich, Switzerland

Alicia Lozoya aliccialc
Junior Data Analyst #R #Nextflow #SQL #Python


Sam Sam666O
It's me Sam ✌️😎
01010010010101010101 D4Fi

FreeLance world

Phoenix Phoenix-Genius
Senior Software Developer
Pedro Lima boloto1979
Software Engineer⌨️ and Cybersecurity Analyst🤖.

São Paulo

kenji kenjinote
I like Win32API and assembly language. Microsoft MVP Since 2017 - 2025.🐳