ArcFaceTF v1.1.0
TensorFlow.js implementation of ArcFace
ArcFace (Additive Angular Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition), published in CVPR 2019. Was officially implemented by DeepInsight available here. This Model was pretrained and benchmarked on MS1M, VGG2 and CASIA-Webface datasets, It is exported to TensorFlow.js to run inference on node backend
Additive Angular Margin Loss(ArcFace) has a clear geometric interpretation due to the exact correspondence to the geodesic distance on the hypersphere, and consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art and can be easily implemented with negligible computational overhead.
Run Model Inference on TensorflowJS
Model takes input of the path pointing to model.json
file, The input shape of the model on which it is trained is [112,112]
, and outputs embeddings of shape (1,512)
. Do the basic preprocessing stuff changing dtype, resizing, dividing by 255, Remember during resizing the aspect ratio shouldn't change. As this is keras model use use tf.loadLayersModel
to run model inference, aslo don't forget to Normalize the embeddings before passing it to cosineDistance function.
const tf = require("@tensorflow/tfjs-node");
const ArcFace_MODEL_PTH = "";
const ArcFace_INPUT_SHAPE = [112, 112];
const ArcFace_THRESHOLD = 0.68;
const processImg = (img, tarSize) => {
img = tf.cast(img, "float32");
img = resizeImg(img, tarSize);
img = tf.expandDims(img, 0);
img = tf.div(img, 255);
return img;
// Resize image without changing aspect ratio (imp)
const resizeImg = (img, tarSize) => {
var [h, w] = img.shape;
var [h_tar, w_tar] = tarSize;
var ratio = Math.max(h/h_tar, w/w_tar);
var padh = parseInt((h_tar*ratio - h) / 2);
var padw = parseInt((w_tar*ratio - w) / 2);
img = tf.pad(img, [[padh,padh],[padw, padw],[0,0]]);
img = tf.image.resizeBilinear(img, tarSize);
return img;
const getEmbeddings = async (img) => {
var img = processImg(img, ArcFace_INPUT_SHAPE);
var model = await await tf.loadLayersModel(ArcFace_MODEL_PTH);
var ebd = model.predict(img);
ebd = ebd.div(ebd.norm()).squeeze();
return ebd;
const compare = async (imgBuffer1, imgBuffer2, threshold = ArcFace_THRESHOLD) => {
var img1 = tf.node.decodeImage(imgBuffer1, (channels = 3));
var img1 = tf.node.decodeImage(imgBuffer1, (channels = 3));
var ebd1 = await getEmbeddings(img1);
var ebd2 = await getEmbeddings(img2);
var cosDist = tf.losses.cosineDistance(ebd1, ebd2);
var similar = cosDist.arraySync() <= threshold;
return similar;
Convert ArcFace Model from tensorflow to tfjs
First install tensorflowjs
python library using pip
, Now run the tensorflowjs_converter
command with input_format keras to convert them to tensorflowjs layers model.
- ArcFace TensorFlow Model Weights, available here
- ArcFace TensorFlow.js Model Weights, available here
$ pip install -q tensorflowjs
$ tensorflowjs_converter --input_format keras \
./arcface/arcface.h5 \
Model Benchmarking
Backbone | Head | LFW | AgeDB-30 | CFP-FP |
ResNet50 | ArcFace | 99.42 | 95.32 | 92.56 |
Model Architecture
- ArcFace arXiv Official Paper,
- InsightFace Repository from DeepInsight (ArcFace official release),
- ArcFace implementation in TensorFlow,
- ArcFace TensorFlow weights,
- DeepFace Repository,