A Dart package for scraping book information and download links from Library Genesis (Libgen.gs).
- Search for books on Libgen.gs
- Retrieve detailed information about books
- Get download links for books
Add libgen_scraper
to your pubspec.yaml
libgen_scraper: ^1.0.0
Then run dart pub get
or flutter pub get
to install the package.
Here's a simple example of how to use the Libgen Scraper package:
import 'package:libgen_scraper/libgen_scraper.dart';
void main() async {
LibgenScraper libgenScraper = LibgenScraper();
// Search for books
List results = await libgenScraper.getSearchResults("Camera Shy");
// Get download link for the first result
final downloadLink = await libgenScraper.getDownloadLinks(results.first["download_links"]);
The main class for interacting with Libgen.gs.
Future<List> getSearchResults(String query)
Searches Libgen.gs for books matching the given query.
Future<String> getDownloadLinks(String downloadUrl)
Retrieves the download link for a specific book.
This package is for educational purposes only. Make sure you comply with copyright laws and Libgen's terms of service when using this package.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.