Combination of "DeepDark" by RaitaroH and " Dark" by Coordinates
- Stylus - get the addon for Firefox, Chrome and Opera.
- This is only available using Stylus (see the documentation).
- Also see the documentation for information about customizing the theme. 🎉
- Deep-Dark
- Inspired-Dark
- Breeze-Dark
- HavocOS
- Arc-Dark
- Adapta-Nokto
- Adapta-Breath-Nokto
- Gruvbox-Dark
- Gruvbox-Light
- NierAutomata-Dark
- NierAutomata-Light
- Solarized-Dark
- Solarized-Light
- Vertex-Dark
- Mint-Y-Dark
- 9anime
- Firefox-Dark
- Firefox-57
- Discord
- YouTube-Dark
- Black-and-White
- Yellow
- Yellow-2
- Ubuntu-Grey
- Ubuntu-Purple
- Orange
- Jisho