Welcome to the Storefront Application project! This project is part of the Introduction to Programming Nanodegree Program. The core functionality for a storefront application has been implemented here, using JavaScript to manage the shopping cart and checkout process. The visual elements and connecting JavaScript for the user interface are pre-built.
The main objectives of this project are:
- To add products to a shopping cart.
- To manage the quantities of products within the cart.
- To handle the checkout process, including calculating totals and managing cash transactions.
- Product List: Products are stored using object literals, and all product objects are stored in an array named
. - Add Item to Cart: Clicking on a product adds it to the cart. If the product is already in the cart, its quantity is increased.
- Increase, Decrease, and Remove Items: Users can increase or decrease the quantity of products in the cart. Decreasing the quantity to 1 and clicking again will remove the item from the cart. There is also an option to remove the item entirely.
- Add Product to Cart:
checks if the product is in the cart. If it is, the quantity is increased. If not, the product is added to the cart. - Increase Quantity:
increases the quantity of the product in the cart. - Decrease Quantity:
decreases the quantity of the product. If the quantity reaches 0, the product is removed from the cart. - Remove Product:
removes the product from the cart entirely.
- Cart Total:
calculates and returns the total cost of all items in the cart. - Payment Handling:
accepts an amount of cash from the user and calculates if there is any remaining balance or change to be given back to the user.
- A global variable holds the value of the remaining balance after a payment is made.