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TFT Neon Nights API

Data for Teamfight Tactics Set 6.5


  • Add champion data.
  • Add origin data.
  • Add class data.
  • Add item data.
  • Add icons.
  • Build web service to serve data and assets.
  • Serve icons in the backend.
  • Add queries to other routes.

Hopefully it helps someone looking for this until Riot updates their TFT data from Set 5

Self hosted


  • Clone repository
  • From root directory in terminal run: npm run dev
  • Use endpoints listed below at http://localhost:8080/


Using your own deployed backend or the one hosted on Heroku at:

Heroku Base URL:

Endpoint Description 📝 Accepted Queries
/ List of routes and available queries
/api/ List of routes
/api/champions Get all or filtered champion data cost, hasClass, hasOrigin
/api/classes Get all class data
/api/origins Get all origin data
/api/items Get all item data
/api/traits Get all trait (origin + trait) data
/icons/items/{item.icon} Get item icon with file name given by the items endpoint
/icons/champions/{champion.icon} Get champion icon with file name given by the items endpoint