Video and Wordle app
- Project was built with React-native CLI
- Nativebase was used to manage the underlining styling
- Study the Figma design
- Install React Native app
- Pick blue-app colors from Figma and save in JSON file
- Get all possible 5 letters words in English languag into a JSON file for the Wordle game
- Setup basics code structure ( src, component, screen, config, types.d.s)
- Implement the dashboard
- Research call and video libraries for React Native
- Implement the contact list, voice and video call screens
- Research into how wordle works
- Find similar solution to wordle implemenation online
- Implement wordle game
- Implement splash screen
- Splash screen
- Dashboard screen
- A fully functional Wordle app
- Integrated contact list, single call, group call, video call screens
- Actual voice and video call (Provider in view VoxImplant)
- Have android studio set up on your computer system.
- Xcode 14
- yarn install
- plug your device to your computer
- yarn android
- yarn build:apk ( to generate APK)