Surf package is a complete automated deployment tool. It is best used but by far not limited to deploy TYPO3 CMS and Flow applications. It's inspired by some features of Capistrano (thanks) concerning the Git workflow.
Some of the features of the Surf package:
- Remote checkout of Git repositories with submodules (sorry, no SVN yet)
- Flexible, declarative configuration of deployments
- Multi-node, multi-application, multi-deployment deployments
- Hook in any deployment stage
- Create custom tasks with a few lines
- Simulate deployments with a dry run
mkdir /usr/local/surf
curl -L -o /usr/local/surf/surf.phar
chmod +x /usr/local/surf/surf.phar
ln -s /usr/local/surf/surf.phar /usr/local/bin/surf
You may need extended privileges e.g. sudo
In this way, you can add /usr/local/surf
to PHP Include Paths
of your IDE.
# Until stable release, you need to set minimum-stability to beta
composer global config minimum-stability beta
composer global require typo3/surf:^2.0.0
In this way, you can add ~/.composer/vendor/typo3/surf
to PHP Include Paths
of your IDE.
Each deployment is defined in a configuration (e.g for development, staging, live environments). Each deployment configuration
specifies a workflow for the deployment (for now there is just SimpleWorkflow
, but feel free to create
your own). The deployment configuration has at least one application and one or more nodes for the application(s).
We start by creating a simple deployment configuration in ~/.surf/MyDeployment.php
for a deployment
with name MyDeployment::
$node = new \TYPO3\Surf\Domain\Model\Node('example');
$node->setOption('username', 'myuser');
$application = new \TYPO3\Surf\Application\Neos\Flow();
$application->setOption('repositoryUrl', '');
That's a very basic deployment based on the default Flow application template TYPO3\Surf\Application\Neos\Flow
The deployment object is available to the script as the variable $deployment
. A node is basically a deployment
target representing a server for an application. The node is assigned to the applications for the deployment. Finally
the application is added to the deployment.
Each application resembles a repository with code. So a more complex deployment could both deploy a Flow application and release an extension for a TYPO3 CMS website. Also different roles can be expressed using applications, since every task can be registered to run for all or a specific application instance.
The preferred way of connecting to the remote host is via SSH Public-Key authentication. That's why in the example above, only the username and hostname are set.
However, due to constraints in the infrastructure setup, sometimes, deployment scenarios do not work with public key authentication. Surf also supports password-based SSH authentication. For that, you need to specify the password as follows::
$node->setOption('password', 'yourSshPasswordHere');
Authentication with passwords needs the expect
unix tool which is installed
by default in most Linux distributions.
In case you need to connect to the remote host via more esoteric protocols, you can
also implement your own remote host connection: In this case, set the option
on the node::
$node->setOption('remoteCommandExecutionHandler', function(\TYPO3\Surf\Domain\Service\ShellCommandService $shellCommandService, $command, Node $node, Deployment $deployment, $logOutput = TRUE) {
// Now, do what you need to do in order to connect to $node and execute $command.
// You can call $shellCommandService->executeProcess() here.
// This function should return a two-element array where the first array element
// is an integer containing the Exit Code, and the second array element is a
// string with the full, trimmed, output.
You can get a description of the deployment by running:
$ surf describe MyDeployment
Simulate the deployment by running:
$ surf simulate MyDeployment
The simulation gives a hint which tasks will be executed on which node. During simulation no harmful tasks will be
executed for real. If a remote SSH command would be executed it will be printed in the log messages starting with
... $nodeName: "command"
The Flow version used in a project can be set using:
$application = new \TYPO3\Surf\Application\Neos\Flow();
It defaults to 4.0, so if using older Flow version, you need to set the version as x.y
This switches Surf behavior to call Flow commands correctly.
If the configuration of a Flow application should be different depending on the deployment configuration (e.g. database settings or external services) the TYPO3\Surf\Task\Neos\Flow\CopyConfigurationTask task can be used to override configuration after the code update (Git checkout).
If a Configuration
folder exists inside a folder named after your deployment %FLOW_ROOT%/Build/Surf/MyDeployment
every file in there will be copied to the release Configuration
folder recursively.
If everything looks right, you can run the deployment:
$ surf deploy MyDeployment
By default Surf use rsync and composer for deployment. But you can also use git, by adding the following configuration to your Application::
$application->setOption('transferMethod', 'git');
$application->setOption('packageMethod', NULL);
$application->setOption('updateMethod', NULL);
Using rsync can speed up your deployment and doesn't require composer and git on the production server.
Since a deployment configuration is just a plain PHP file with access to any Flow class it's easy to extend it or program a more complex behavior. But it's even easier to remove tasks or add some simple shell tasks to an existing application template::
$workflow = new \TYPO3\Surf\Domain\Model\SimpleWorkflow();
array('command' => 'cd {releasePath} && ./flow mycompany.mypackage:setup:initialize')
This adds a new task based on the TYPO3\\Surf\\Task\\ShellTask
task with a custom shell command which would run a Flow command.
After defining the new task we have to tell the deployment configuration when to execute it::
$workflow = new \TYPO3\Surf\Domain\Model\SimpleWorkflow();
$application = new \TYPO3\Surf\Application\Neos\Flow('MyProject');
array('command' => 'cd {releasePath} && ./flow mycompany.mypackage:setup:initialize')
$deployment->onInitialize(function() use ($workflow, $application) {
$workflow->addTask('mycompany.mypackage:initialize', 'migrate', $application);
This will execute the new task in the migrate stage only for the application referenced by $application
. As you can
see, it's also possible to remove a task from a workflow. Most of the methods are available for global or application
specific task configuration.
Besides specifying the execution point via a stage, you can also give an existing task as an anchor and specify the task
execution with afterTask
or beforeTask
====================== ================================= =================================================================================== Method Arguments Description ====================== ================================= =================================================================================== defineTask $taskName, $taskType, ($options) Defines a new task with name $taskName based on $taskType with custom options. addTask $tasks, $stage, ($application) Add one or more tasks to the workflow that should run in the given stage. removeTask $taskName Removes the task with the given name from all stages and applications. afterTask $taskName, $tasks, ($application) Adds one or more tasks that should run *after* the given task name. beforeTask $taskName, $tasks, ($application) Adds one or more tasks that should run *before* the given task name. ====================== ================================= ===================================================================================
To access the release path or other release specific options, some placeholders can be used in option values::
$workflow = new \TYPO3\Surf\Domain\Model\SimpleWorkflow();
array('command' => 'cd {releasePath} && ./flow mycompany.mypackage:setup:initialize')
The following placeholders are available:
- workspacePath: The path to the local workspace directory
- deploymentPath: The path to the deployment base directory
- releasePath: The path to the release directory in work (typically referenced by next)
- sharedPath: The path to the shared directory for all releases
- currentPath: The path that points to the current release
- previousPath: The path that points to the previous release
As you do automated deployments, you should check if the website is up and running before switching it to the live site. This is called a Smoke Test. We will give an example for using the built-in HTTP smoke test.
First, you need to create a virtual host with document root in "/releases/next/Web". While a deployment is running, the new website will be available under this URL and can be used for testing.
Then, add a test as follows to the deployment configuration::
$workflow = new \TYPO3\Surf\Domain\Model\SimpleWorkflow();
$smokeTestOptions = array(
'url' => 'http://your/website/which/you/want/to/test',
'remote' => TRUE,
'expectedStatus' => 200,
'expectedRegexp' => '/somethingYouExpectOnThePage/'
$workflow->defineTask('mycompany.mypackage:smoketest', \TYPO3\Surf\Task\Test\HttpTestTask::class, $smokeTestOptions);
$workflow->addTask('mycompany.mypackage:smoketest', 'test', $application);
The HTTP test has the following options:
Most important options:
- url (required): URL which should be loaded
- remote: if TRUE, the smoke test is triggered through the SSH channel on the remote host via command-line CURL. If false, it is triggered from the deploying host.
- expectedStatus: expected HTTP status code
- expectedHeaders: HTTP Header Strings which are expected (can be a multiline string, each header being on a separate line)
- expectedRegexp: Regular Expression to test the contents of the HTTP response against
Further options:
- timeout (only if remote=FALSE): HTTP timeout to use
- port (only if remote=FALSE): HTTP Port to use
- method (only if remote=FALSE): HTTP method to use (default GET)
- username (only if remote=FALSE): HTTP Authentication username
- password (only if remote=FALSE): HTTP Authentication Password
- data (only if remote=FALSE): HTTP payload
- proxy (only if remote=FALSE): HTTP Proxy to use
- proxyPort (only if remote=FALSE): HTTP Proxy port to use
- additionalCurlParameters (only if remote=TRUE): list of parameters which is directly passed to CURL. Especially useful to e.g. disable SSL certificate check (with --insecure)
When you want to execute some commands directly after checkout, such as cherry-picking
not-yet-committed bugfixes, you can set the gitPostCheckoutCommands
option on the
application, being a two-dimensional array.
The key contains the path where the command shall execute, and the value is another array containing the commands themselves.
$application->setOption('gitPostCheckoutCommands', array(
'Packages/Framework/Neos.Flow/' => [
'git fetch refs/heads/somefix',
'git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD'
- SURF_WORKSPACE, defines where the Workspace of Surf is saved (Default: ~/.surf/workspace)
Source and details:
SSH provides a way to reuse an existing SSH connection for subsequent connection attempts to the same host.
Add something like this to ~/.ssh/config
to reuse existing SSH connections:
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath /tmp/ssh_mux_%h_%p_%r
ControlPersist 600
Surf is built using clue/phar-composer and the process is simple:
- Download the latest
cd your/surf/clone
php phar-composer.phar build .
The generated surf.phar
should work as expectd.
You can simply edit or add a .rst file in the Documentation
folder on Github and create a pull request.
The online documentation will automatically update after changes to the master branch. To preview the documentation locally please follow this guide.
The documentation was set up according to the TYPO3 documentation guide.
The deployment package is licensed under GNU General Public License, version 3 or later ( Initial development was sponsored by networkteam - Flow Framework Agentur.