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general (adjoint) spin-n SHTs.

cunuSHT provides functions to calculate spherical harmonic transforms for any uniform and non-uniform grid.

It can run on both, CPU and GPU, and can do this for (custom) geometries. The code and method are described in: 2406.14542.


  • nusht2d2(): takes SHT coefficients and (possibly non-uniform) grid points at which they are to be evaluated and returns the SHT transformed position space data (a map).
  • nusht2d1(): this is the adjoint operation, takes a map with (possibly non-uniform grid points) and returns the SHT coefficients for a uniform grid.
  • gclm2lenmap(): similar to synthesis_general, but automatically performs dlm2pointing, iff no pointing is provided
  • lenmap2gclm(): similar to adjoint_synthesis_general, but again, perfroms dlm2pointing if needed.
  • dlm2pointing(): calculates the non-uniform grid points (pointing) from the coefficients of a deflection field (dlm).


Highly accurate remapping of pixels on the sphere, as shown in the following examples.

Psuedo-simulated movement of Jupiters clouds

Repeated deflection of the cosmic microwave background with random Gaussian Lambda-CDM deflection fields.


Currently in 2 steps:

Enter the cunusht/c folder, and compile the C and CUDA library, and install the python module via the pyproject.toml

cd cunusht/c
pip install .

Then, go to the root directory, and install cunusht:

cd ./../../
python3 install


See our tutorials in first steps.

The interface works as follows.

Set parameters,

lmax, mmax = 2047, 2047
geominfo = ('gl',{'lmax': lmax})
kwargs = {
    'geominfo_deflection': geominfo,
    'nuFFTtype': 2, # or 1 if you want to use nusht2d1()
    'epsilon': 1e-7,

Construct your transformer,

import cunusht
t = cunusht.get_transformer(backend='GPU')(**kwargs)
  • alm are the SHT coefficients for which the map should be calculated
  • loc are the positions (theta, and phi) of the map for which the map should be calculated
  • pointmap is the output array
res = t.nusht2d1(lmax=lmax, mmax=mmax, alm=coef, loc=loc, pointmap=pointmap, verbose=True)

Or, if you want to calculate the adjoint (not how nuFFTtype changes here!)

lmax, mmax = 2047, 2047
geominfo = ('gl',{'lmax': lmax})
kwargs = {
    'geominfo_deflection': geominfo,
    'nuFFTtype': 1, # or 2 if you want to use nusht2d2()
    'epsilon': 1e-7,
import cunusht
t = cunusht.get_transformer(backend='GPU')(**kwargs)

res = t.nusht2d1(lmax=lmax, mmax=mmax, pointmap=m, loc=loc, alm=alm)

Lensing Convenience Functions

We provide convenience function for CMB weak lensing purposes.


This is a wrapper around nusht2d2 The function depends on,

  • gclm: the SHT coefficients at the uniform grid points
  • ptg: the (non-uniform) grid points (the pointing) for which the pointmap should be evaluated
  • dlm(_scaled): the deflection field that is used to calculate pointing, iff ptg is not provided. Note, for the GPU backend, this is dlm_scaled and must be dlm * np.sqrt(1/l(l+1)).
  • lmax: the pointmap maximum SHT multipole
  • mmax: the dlm_scaled mmax
  • lenmap: the output

Choose your parameters, then

res = t.gclm2lenmap(gclm=cp.array(coef), dlm_scaled=cp.zeros(shape=coef.shape), lmax=lmax, mmax=lmax, lenmap=pointmap)


This is a wrapper around nusht2d1 This is the adjoint (inverse) operation of gclm2lenmap(), if lenmap is not quadrature weighted (is multiplied by the maginification matrix, quadrature weighted, and deflection is zero).

Similar to above,

res = t.lenmap2gclm(lenmap, dlm_scaled=dlm_scaled, lmax=lmax, mmax=lmax, epsilon=epsilon, gclm=gclm)