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Releases: SebastJava/mint-yz-icons

new colors for a new era

14 Oct 23:26
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  • Pull the updates from the upstream linuxmint/mint-y-icons
  • New MintSoda color = Hex 3DB884 = HSL 155,50,48

new colors for a new era

03 Aug 16:35
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  • New and installation methods in the

new colors for a new era

10 Jul 02:01
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  • Modified: Orange70s (5% less saturation = HSL 16,80,55)

new colors for a new era

07 Jul 20:04
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  • Modified: Pink
  • NEW COLOR: Orange70s

The New Colors of a New Era

11 Apr 19:52
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These colors are exactly the same as those found in Mint-Yz-theme v3.2. It's the perfect complement.
This icon package is exactly the same as the standard Mint-Y-icons package, only the places colors are different.



  • Downgraded packaging method to a simple and universal ZIP file.
  • Color names got changed: Aqua, Red, Orange.
  • Subtle color updates on Aqua, BlueElectron, BlueBelize.
  • Updated README and Do-It-Yourself files.

The New Colors of a New Era

06 Mar 18:29
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These colors are exactly the same as those found in Mint-Yz-theme v3.1. It's the perfect complement. This icon package is exactly the same as the standard Mint-Y-icons package, only the places colors are different.


  • Updated with the latest standard Mint-Y-icons version 1.5.9.

Minor update: new debian/postrm file

03 Jul 22:01
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This is just a small bug fix.

Before this new version, when doing apt remove mint-yz-icons or GDebi upgrades on mint-yz-icons, the auto-generated debian/postrm did not update-icon-caches on most "-Dark" variants.

  • This caused some directories to be not empty and thus not completely deleted.
  • And this caused some warning messages when doing GDebi updates.


newflat: A new approach offering a wider spectrum

30 Jun 19:39
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This new approach here is to offer a smaller range of colors, focusing on the most popular, but with much more variations. Something for each one of us. So, there are some heavily subdued colors for the nostalgic people. And there are also some vibrant colors to bring some happiness into those rainy days. But most of this new Mint-Yz color palette is made of well-balanced colors for a flat, modern user interface.

  • A new approach to the color palette.
  • UPSTREAM-RESET = GitHub fetch upstream, new git clone, replay all changes

Mint-Yz: The New Colors of a New Era

24 Jan 05:44
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Big update from upstream source and fixed bugs...


  • UPSTREAM-UPDATE = git reset --hard upstream/master
  • UPSTREAM-UPDATE = pull z-new (Re-introduce the Mint-Yz difference.)
  • UPSTREAM-UPDATE method described for future jobs.
  • Modified for symlinks in /places/
  • Updated symlinks = ../../Mint-Yz-Old/actions/* in Mint-Yz-Old-Dark/actions/*

Mint-Yz: The New Colors of a New Era

26 Dec 00:59
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Subtle updates on some colors. Blue and BlueDeep are now quite improved.