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Simple configurable trait to add caching per-method.

How to use it:

Add use and pass in the psr6 cache item pool interface
class Controller
    use SeanJA\Cache\CacheableTrait;
    public function __construct(CacheItemPoolInterface $cache)
Using it in a method:

By default, this value will be remembered for 1 hour

    public function cacheableMethod( $cacheable_parameters )
        $data = $this->remember(function(){
            return 'Cacheable data';

        return response($data);
Configure TTL (per class)

Add a protected method called getTTL to your class that returns a custom date interval based on the input

    protected function getTTL(string $method, array $args): DateInterval
        return match ($method) {
            'method1' => DateInterval::createFromDateString('1 day'),
            'method2' => DateInterval::createFromDateString('10 seconds'),
            'method3' => DateInterval::createFromDateString('10 seconds'),
            default => DateInterval::createFromDateString('6 minutes'),
Implement your own key (per class)

You can change the way the key is generated, it should be unique for each place you use remember otherwise you will end up overwriting things in weird ways

    protected function generateCacheKey(string $class, string $method, array $args): string
        return 'key';
Add a custom id to the cache (per class)

Add a custom value to the cache, can be used to bust the cache when you do a deploy, or you could set it manually to bust the cache at any point.

    protected function getCacheId(): string
        return $_ENV['RELEASE_VERSION'];
Decide if something should be cached (per class)

Can be used to avoid caching certain method calls

    protected function shouldCache(string $method, array $args): bool
        return $method === 'maybeCache', $args[0] === 'plz cache';
Disable the cache (remember will now do nothing because the cache is null)

This will disable caching for the class until you restore it

    public function shouldDisableCaching(): void
Disable the cache temporarily

If you really want to

class CachedClass{
    use \SeanJA\Cache\CacheableTrait;
    public function cachedTime(){
        return $this->remember(function(){
            return time();

    public function uncachedTime(): void
        $data = $this->cachedTime();
        return $data; 