Web application to visualize Nessus scan results in a concise, succinct fashion.
Video Demo - Here
This app was built with the following:
Ubuntu 20.04
Python 3.8
You will need to setup a Nessus scanner, and have at least one scan result.
Additionally, you will need to setup a RedisLabs account
Clone the application (git clone or download and unpack the zip) and create your virtual environment (or install Poetry and use poetry shell
Install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the setup script
python setup.py
Answer the prompts to configure the .env file
In case you want to create this file manually, use the below template (DEV_DATABASE_URI is optional)
Start the server
python wsgi.py
You can pass this app to Gunicorn_3, uWSGI, Waitress, etc. and for extending usage, install tmux and start the server from there. When you disconnect the tmux session, the web app will be running in the background.
Connect to the server on port 5000 and register your account (this only resides on the local database).
After that you can log in.
Type in the folder ID you want to browse.
Type in the scan ID you want to download (currently only one scan result may be accessed at a time, the database is not setup to handle more than that).
Once the data has downloaded you can view the scanned hosts by IP and if plugin 45590 (Operating System Common Platform Enumeration) ran it'll be included or notify you that it wasn't in the scan results.
Plugins are listed in order of severity and are color coded as they would be from the Nessus scanner.
- Critical (Red)
- High (Orange)
- Medium (Yellow)
- Low (Green)
- Informational (Blue)
Plugin "titles" follow the pattern of <PLUGIN_ID> | <PLUGIN_NAME> | <CVE_IF_EXISTS> | <CVSS_SCORE>
Each plugin is on a toggle button to reveal more details in the following order:
- Simple description
- Full description
- Plugin output
- A solution to patch the vulnerability if one exists
Additionally the 'Plugin Output' is on a toggle button as some plugins contain significant amounts of data. The background element is a different shade so you can easily distinguish it from the other information.
Finally there is a section to view all registered users (more features utilizing this may be built upon, e.g. multiple users each able to analyze different scan results rather than sharing the singular result).