kookmin-sw / capstone-2024-05
Forked from kookmin-sw/cap-template자연어 기반 AWS CloudFormation 템플릿 생성 서비스 | StackOrderFlow
kookmin-sw / capstone-2024-12
Forked from kookmin-sw/cap-template최적의 GenAIOps 환경을 제공하는 Platform
Backend.AI is a streamlined, container-based computing cluster platform that hosts popular computing/ML frameworks and diverse programming languages, with pluggable heterogeneous accelerator suppor…
Make Llama2 use Code Execution, Debug, Save Code, Reuse it, Access to Internet
사용자가 채팅웹을 통해 자신이 처한 법률적 상황을 제시하면, 입력에 대한 문맥을 모델이 이해하여 가이드라인을 제시하고, 유사한 상황의 판례를 제공하는 웹 서비스입니다. (2023.08.18 서비스 종료)
Apache Airflow - A platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows
A simulation framework for RLHF and alternatives. Develop your RLHF method without collecting human data.
level2_klue-nlp-08 created by GitHub Classroom
PyTorch deep learning projects made easy.
Transformer: PyTorch Implementation of "Attention Is All You Need"
level1_semantictextsimilarity-nlp-11 created by GitHub Classroom
Source code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
Source code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
KoAlpaca: 한국어 명령어를 이해하는 오픈소스 언어모델 (KoAlpaca: An open-source language model to understand Korean instructions)
Collection of must read papers for Data Science, or Machine Learning / Deep Learning Engineer
비공식 AWS 공인 솔루션스 아키텍트 – 어소시에이트 시험 가이드
꼼꼼한 딥러닝 논문 리뷰와 코드 실습