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Releases: SamuelTallet/SketchUp-Parametric-Modeling-Plugin


03 Jun 09:21
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What's new in this version?

  • "Move" node has evolved without compatibility break. One can use formulas to define XYZ positions... See the "Parallel Copy" example schema.
  • Plugin handles more errors. E.g. a zero radius.
  • Nodes Editor contains a link to a wiki hosted by GitHub.
  • For developers: Node module was refactored.

Download latest Parametric Modeling plugin from the SketchUcation PluginStore.


21 May 13:45
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What's new in this version?

  • You can extract shape of a curve and apply parametric processings to it. Then, once frozen, you can use it to create a new shape with Curviloft plugin, for example.

  • Schemas are commentable. Right click in void inside Nodes Editor window then select "Add a comment node" entry.

  • More points are available in "Get points" nodes.

  • Points can be inherited.

  • Plugin was translated to traditional chinese and simplified chinese by Shuang Yu.

Download latest Parametric Modeling plugin from the SketchUcation PluginStore.


22 Apr 09:41
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What's new in this version?

  • "Align" and "Get points" nodes types were added. They can help you, for example, to place an entity on top of another one. See new schema: Pencil.

  • "Copy" and "Move" nodes have evolved a bit. They're retrocompatible.

  • When you input a decimal number in a node, scale of number defines step for next increment (or decrement). This means if you input 1.25, next increment will be 1.26. Step is adaptive... See documentation to learn more.

  • Arrows icons in numeric fields were removed because they were too buggy. You can still use keyboard arrows to increment (or decrement).

  • You can use deg function in "Calculate" nodes to convert degrees to radians... See documentation to learn more.

  • Selected wire is highlighted.

  • Plugin was translated to french.

Download latest Parametric Modeling plugin from the SketchUcation PluginStore.


08 Apr 13:51
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What's new in this version?

  • One can create more complex parametric models with less efforts thanks to a new feature: Shape extraction. To do so: right-click on a group or a component in SketchUp window then select "Parametric Modeling > Extract Shape From Group/Component" entry in context menu. See new example schema: "Curved Shelf" created by Jack Tenrev.
  • More nodes types are available: "Draw tube", "Tag", "Erase" and "Concatenate". If you combine "Erase", "Concatenate" and "Select" nodes: you can get variations of model. See updated example schema: "Decking On Pedestals".
  • Plugin is more strict with numbers. If you input a decimal number where an integer is expected: An error is thrown and node becomes red. Another change: If you pass only integers to rand function: it will return an integer.
  • One can use random, name, material, tag and layer variables in "Query" input field inside "Select" node.
  • To save a few nodes, "Select" node outputs and "Draw ..." node inputs evolved.
  • Shapes generated with this plugin and shapes generated with SU Shapes plugin are consistent. See issue #1.
  • Ghost groups were eradicated?! "Add" and "Subtract" nodes were fixed again.

Download latest Parametric Modeling plugin from the SketchUcation PluginStore.


26 Mar 10:51
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What's new in this version?

  • Node adding process was enhanced: one can place new nodes quicker!
  • One can extract vectors and points from active model via context menu.
  • In "Calculate" nodes, one can use rand function to get random numbers.
  • As soon a material or a layer is added or removed: Nodes Editor reloads.
  • A door is available in examples schemas. Thanks Simon Joubert for this.
  • Although it's not recommended, one can read/edit .schema files easier.

Download latest Parametric Modeling plugin from the SketchUcation PluginStore.


22 Mar 14:34
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What's new in this version?

  • More node types are available in math domain: "Multiply", "Divide" and "Calculate". With this latter, one can write complex mathematic formulas. See documentation to learn more...

  • Boolean operations were introduced in Nodes Editor. Unite, intersect and subtract parametric solids thanks to brillant work of Julia Christina Eneroth. Note these operations work on all SketchUp versions, including free ones. Warning: these operations can slowdown SketchUp.

  • One can structurate parametric model with "Make group" nodes.

  • One can write queries to target specific parametric entities with "Select" nodes. See documentation to learn more...

  • Two entries were added to global context menu in Nodes Editor: "Remove all nodes" and "Show or hide minimap". The minimap should help you to navigate more comfortably in large schemas.

  • A label can be applied to each node of type "Number".

  • One can use "Paint" node type to apply a material to groups, after a selection for example.

  • Node state is reflected by a color: red means it's invalid while green means it's selected.

  • To remove a node, you need to right click on it then select "Remove this node". No more double click...

  • One can access plugin documentation from Nodes Editor toolbar.

  • A shelf, a decking on pedestals and a wall fence with pillars are available in examples schemas. Thanks to Jack Tenrev and Simon Joubert for these schemas.

  • Materials referenced in parametric schema but not existing in model are substituted by random colors.

  • Layers/tags referenced in parametric schema but not existing in model are created.

  • Result of "Add" and "Subtract" nodes was corrected. It was incorrect in some cases.

  • Nodes Editor tooltips display also in old SketchUp versions such as 2017.

Download latest Parametric Modeling plugin from the SketchUcation PluginStore.


18 Mar 09:39
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This is first version.

Download latest Parametric Modeling plugin from the SketchUcation PluginStore.