A passionate undergraduate at the Department of Electronic and Telecommunication,
University of Moratuwa
Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm currently an Engineering Undergratuate at the Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering at the University of Moratuwa and a Software Engineering Undergratuate at Java Institute for Advanced Technology, Sri Lanka.
I have a keen interest in Software Engineering, Machine Learning and Robotic projects.
π Education:
- Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
- Software Engineering, Java Institute for Advanced Technology, Sri Lanka
- Minor in Mathematics, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
π» Skills:
- Languages: JavaScript, Java, PHP, HTML, React, Python, C++, Flutter, Dart
- Tools and Platforms: VSCode, Netbeans, Arduino, Node-RED, Wokwi, MATLAB, SOLIDWORKS
- Web dev Tools: VSCode, Git, Github
π§ Machine Learning:
- I have experience working on machine learning projects using TensorFlow and SciPy.
- Image Processing pratice with OpenCV library.
π Web Development:
- Front-end Design: Pure HTML, CSS, Javascript
- Back-end Development: PHP
- Frameworks: Bootstrap, Tailwind, Sementic UI
- Database Management: MySQL, PHP Myadmin
π± Mobile Application Development
- Design: Flutter, Dart, React JS
- Platform: VS code, Android studio
π οΈ Design:
- SolidWorks for designing enclosures and mechanical components.
Here are some of the projects I've worked on:
- Php based Web App for a School Management System: Built a web application using PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript to manage students, teachers and academic officers in a school. View Repository
- Php based Web App for an Online Tech store: Built a web application using PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript for an Online store which can view, add to cart and can purchase through the site. View Repository
- Php based e-commerce web application: Built a web application using PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript for an e-commerce web application, which can view, add to cart and can purchase through the site. View Repository
- Php based Web App for a Restaurant: Built a web application using PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a restaurant. View Repository
- To-do App: An application for organizing to-do lists using Flutter. View Repository
- Machine Learning Models: Implemented various machine learning models for tasks such as image classification, sentiment analysis, and predictive analytics using TensorFlow and SciPy. View Repository
- Automatic MCQ Grader: Automatic MCQ Grader system implementation using classical algorithms View Repository
- Smart Medi-box: Developed a Smart Medicine Storage device with the integration of Node-red, C++, ESP32 module and some sensor modules. View Repository
- Adaptive Traffic Control System: Developed an Adaptive traffic light system which can update the time-to-wait at traffic-light junctions which has addressed the problem of Static time schedules for all the subways at the junction. Used IoT and ML models to implement. View Repository
Feel free to reach out to me for collaborations, project ideas, or just to connect!
- π« Reach me at samudrauduwaka@gmail.com
- π¬ Ask me anything on my preferences