A simple weather app I made by myself using the OpenWeatherMap API to get a 5 day weather forecast and the Nominatim API to geocode locations 🌤️☂️ ⛈️
Note: The second contributor was an error as I used the wrong account when pushing.
My Email: sammymedawar2002@gmail.com
Get weather information for the day
Get weather information for the next 5 days
Search for a location and get weather data about it
Saved that location to favorite locations if the user wants to easily return to it later
Delete any favorite locations if needed
Built Using:
Android Studio
OpenWeatherMap API (for the 5 day weather forecasts)
Nominatim API (for geocoding)
Upon opening the app
Upons searching for a city
Previous but continued
Manage Favorite Locations
Upon pressing Manage Favorite Locations and long pressing over one location