- Getting Set Up
- Introduction to Programming with Clojure
- Data Structures
- Functions
- More Simple Values
- More Functions
- More Data Structures
- Flow Control
- Capstone App Pt. 1 -- Repository
- Capstone App Pt. 2
- Global-growth web app - build a web app showing the current state of global development using the World Bank API
- Clojure koans or Lighttable Koans - complete the Clojure code to make the tests pass, organised by Clojure topics.
- 4 Clojure - 160+ exercises online, again completing the Clojure code to make tests pass
- Codewars - improve your skills by training with others on real challenges (you need to solve 2 coding questions to join in the fun)
- CrossClj - explore the interconnected Clojure universe
- Clojars - a dead easy community repository for open source Clojure libraries
- Clojure for the Brave & the True - a comprehensive Clojure tutorial, using Emacs
- Clojure Cookbook - annotated code examples with detailed analysis and explanation (availalbe in an Open source repo or as a commercial book)
- Functional Programming for the Object-Oriented Programmer - Good for people who have used OO languages. Comes with exercises to complete at the end of each chapter.
ClojureBridge Curriculum by ClojureBridge is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.