nZEDb ASS is an Auto Setup Script for the nZEDb Usenet Indexer. All nZEDb dependencies will install through the Setup Script. Drinking a cup of coffee and wait until ZEDb installed!
The idea and the source comes from @PREngineer | I have adapted the script and packed into a single file! This is my first bash script, I have created it to improve my knowledge on Linux.
- Testet with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Update System & Upgrade Apps
Create a User for nZEDb
Install Basic Software (curl, nano, htop, etc)
Install Python 3 & PIP
Install ffmpeg, mediainfo, p7zip-full, unrar and lame
Install yEnc from Source
Install Composer
Install PHP 5.6 & Extensions
- Set the right Config for nZEDb to the php.ini
- Install yEnc decoder extension for PHP5
Install MySQL 5.6
- Create the 'nzedb' user in MySQL and grant it permission
- Secure Mysql installation
Install Apache2
- Configuring Apache2 Virtual Server Entries
Install Media Processors
Fix Permissions of the /var/www/nzedb folders & /var/lib/php5/sessions
Install MemCached & APC
Import Initial PreDB Dump into Database
Import additional Daily Dumps into the Database
Install TMUX to automate binaries search & release creation
Set up TMUX to run on startup
Install PPA for ZNC
Set up ZNC to auto-start
###Remove AppArmo!
sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor stop
sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor teardown
sudo update-rc.d -f apparmor remove
sudo reboot now
! Follow the installer Instructions !