Based on email chain:
From: @AttackOnMorty
Date: Wednesday, 10 July 2024 at 17:20
To: @AttackOnMorty
Cc: @adamcogan, @joshbermanssw
Subject: SophieBot - Add redirect text for query - "Who is in {{ OFFICE }} now"
When asking "who is in {{ OFFICE }} now?", we only show people whose phone is connected to the Kiwi.
But we might also want to know who was in the office today.
Suggested Solution
Add “See people in office today” at the top. It will redirect to the query “who is in {{ OFFICE }} today?”
Acceptance Criteria
- Meets Definition of Done
- User can click the text "See people in office today" to see who is in office today.
- Reply 'Done' to all emails mentioned in this PBI and @mention the sender with 'Done'
Figure: Add text to the red box