Repo for RYDG project and voluntarily work after the project.
This repository contains code used for Residential Yard Design Game or Ihan Pihalla. This is a simple web app to add elements to yard-like environment. Based on how good your yard design is, more points you've got.
To contribute to this project, see
Chat channel: (ask someone in team to invite you)
Current game found in following address (only client-side implementation):
Libraries/frameworks used for this project so far: Three JS (
...and maybe Bootstrap + jQuery, OSMBuildings
Client-side: HTML + CSS + JS
Server-side: NodeJS Required npm modules:
- express
- express-session
- passport
- passport-facebook
- passport-twitter
Database: MySQL?
Implement evaluation as follows: Any object has 2 point values that are constantly updated depending on its location Value 1 (number of object) --> absolutevalue(d) = optimal_numberofobject - current_numberofobject Value 2 (proximity of object to all other objects) --> absolutevalue(s_object1-2) = optimal_proximity_object1-2 - current_proximity_object1-2 --> is added to points if absolutevalue(s_object1-2) is less than maximum_proximity_object1-2 (a valid connection)
Value 1 has only one value per object Value 2 has multiple values per object, depending on the individual connections to other objects. Options: Data structure with nodes and edges (Replaced with right word :D, Sami, 19.12) or array for each object
Point calculation: points (p) defined as linear function of d and s_objectn-n p = m d + points_max (Value 1) p = m s_objectn-n + points_max (Value 2) where m is a predefined multiplier
Total points of object is p(d) + p(s_objectn-n) note, as many s_objects as there are valid connecctions for that object
Find out how to make nicer/customized graphics
Update 18.2.17
Project is officially in the hands of the collaborators, and is set to be revamped and opened to the community. Check back soon.
Additions: server code (node); see issues. To do: database code and discussion about data handling and processing. Bug fixes and other planned additions: see issues.
Over and out ^.^