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certspotter should be a daemon #63




Running as a cron job is sub-optimal for several reasons:

  1. It's not obvious what the interval between runs should be. A shorter interval allows for quicker notification of certificates, but if it's too short then certspotter will still be running when cron tries to invoke it again.
  2. certspotter has to finish processing all logs before it can be run again. This means that if log A takes 1 minute to process, and log B takes 30 minutes to process, log A can be processed no more frequently than once every 30 minutes, which will delay the notification of certificates in that log.
  3. Logs often have transient errors. When this happens, a CT monitor should continuously retry and only report the error if it persists for longer than the MMD. As a cron job, we can't do this because it would block the processing of other logs, so instead we immediately report the error (which contributes to error fatigue) and wait until the next run to try processing again. If certspotter were a daemon, we'd have more flexibility to retry and only report errors if they are persistent, not transient.

Most log errors would be suppressed, but we would want to raise an alarm if any of the following conditions arise:

  • We haven't been able to successfully fetch an STH from a log for longer than the log's MMD
  • A log has a large backlog of unprocessed certificates (the backlog is the difference between the log's latest STH and the current position)

The downside to running as a daemon is that we can't just print message (certificate details, error messages) to stdout/stderr and rely on the cron daemon to email them. So perhaps certspotter should invoke sendmail itself?




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