ABSTRACT: This is a document initiated by the SnT PhD student Association (SPA for short) in order to provide some practical information about working and living in Luxembourg for newcomers joining SnT. It does not represent an official position and is selective by its nature, based on what our SnTers have experienced since arriving, living, and working in Luxembourg. This document is to be kept up-to-date and enriched by people in our research centre with their own (new) experiences so it would be useful for anyone interested, especially newcomers in Luxembourg.
This handbook was initialised by Phu-Hong Nguyen and Martin Kracheel (the SPA representatives in charge from June 2013 - June 2015). The content of this document is managed and contributed by the SPa representatives, the SPA's members, and other SnTers. The authors would like to thank the SnT officials, especially Prof. Bjorn Ottersten, Mrs. Marie-France Gallo, Mrs. Stephanie Annet for their kind support for the SPA's activities including this document. A main part of this document is built up on experiences of people in our research centre. SPA would like to thank all volunteers in our working groups, especially the ones who are managing this document (Diego Kreutz, Christian Hammerschmidt, Reza Matinnejad and Phu-Hong Nguyen). We are also glad to have contribution from Mikolaj Podlaszewski, Walter Bronzi, Gabriela Gheorghe, Dalia Khader, Susann Gottmann, Rosario Giustolisi, among others. Please contribute to this document to keep it up-to-date and with more useful information! We look forward to receiving comments/suggestions/experiences from you all to improve this document either via email or pull request.
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