Again is a pure typescript library with zero dependencies for implementing retry logic in asynchronous code.
The library exports a number of variants of retry functions, which all take the form retry[If/Until/WithIntermediateStep]
. At it's core retry will perform the following:
- Run the routine passed to it.
- If it didn't throw, returns the result, unless it's a
variant, in which case the return value is checked for truthiness first and we continue retrying if it's not truthy. - If the routine did throw and we are in a
variant, checks the error against the If-Guard and throws the error if the guard returns false. - If we are in an
variant, we run the intermediate step - We then perform an asynchronous sleep for
options?.waitTime || RETRY_DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME
milliseconds - Finally we go to the top until
options?.maxRetries || RETRY_DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES
is exceeded. If the max number of retries is exceeded, we throw the last error that occured.
We use these retry blocks extensively in end-to-end testing where things regularily can and will fail. All these examples are representative of real code from our tests.
// @note: Turning off the relay can fail, if another process is currently holding on to the serial channel
await retry(() =>
The original motivation for retryIf. State element exceptions happen constantly and for no specific reason in E2E-Testing. Everywhere we can, we use this decorator to make our tests robust against that specific error.
export function isStaleElementException(e: Error): boolean {
return (e as Error).name === "stale element reference"
Decorator that wraps a function in a retryIf to protect against 'stale element reference' errors
Other errors will still bubble up normally
export function retryIfStaleElementException(target: any, name: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
const inner = descriptor.value
descriptor.value = function (...args: any[]) {
return retryIf(() => inner.apply(this, args), isStaleElementException)
When you can't predict how long something is going to take, this is a pretty solid way of waiting for state changes.
/// Wait for the speaker to automatically reconnect
await retryUntil(async () => Boolean(await settings.isDeviceConnected(config.speaker.teamId)))
Sometimes when times are rough, the only thing that helps is to literally "turn it off and on again".
await retryWithIntermediateStep(async () => {
await settings.pairDevice(config.speaker.teamId);
}, async () => {
await settings.ensureBluetoothReenabled( )
}, { waitTime: 1000 })