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Strongly typed parsed icons set from and display control implementations for different GUI frameworks.


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Parsed icons set from and display control implementations for different GUI frameworks.

  • All icons are always up-to-date because automatically updated every 6 hours.
  • Small package size because icons are graphically encoded via SVG Path.
  • Icon types are strongly typed enum, so your IDE will suggest available variants:


This project consists of 3 parts:

  • contains info about the icons

  • contains controls for AvaloniaUI

  • contains controls for WPF

  • FAQ - frequently asked questions

Community maintained

  • contains controls for WinUI/UNO (separate repository)


Getting started

  1. Install Material.Icons.Avalonia nuget package:
    dotnet add package Material.Icons.Avalonia
    avalonia-nuget avalonia-nuget
  2. Include styles in App.xaml (for 2.0.0 version and higher):
    <Application xmlns:materialIcons="clr-namespace:Material.Icons.Avalonia;assembly=Material.Icons.Avalonia" 
        <materialIcons:MaterialIconStyles />


Add Material.Icons.Avalonia namespace to the root element of your file (your IDE can suggest it or do it automatically):


Use MaterialIcon control:

<materialIcons:MaterialIcon Kind="Abacus" />

The Foreground property controls the color of the icon.
Also, there is MaterialIconExt which allows you to use is as the markup extension:

<Button Content="{materialIcons:MaterialIconExt Kind=Abacus}" />

Avalonia FuncUI (F#)

Getting started

  1. Install Material.Icons.Avalonia nuget package:
    dotnet add package Material.Icons.Avalonia
    avalonia-nuget avalonia-nuget
  2. Import styles in Application (or if you use XAML check instructions for plain Avalonia)
    type App() =
        inherit Application()
        override this.Initialize() =
  3. Create bindings for MaterialIcon
    namespace Avalonia.FuncUI.DSL
    module MaterialIcon =
        open Material.Icons
        open Material.Icons.Avalonia
        open Avalonia.FuncUI.Types
        open Avalonia.FuncUI.Builder
        let create (attrs: IAttr<MaterialIcon> list): IView<MaterialIcon> =
        type MaterialIcon with
            static member kind<'t when 't :> MaterialIcon>(value: MaterialIconKind) : IAttr<'t> =
                AttrBuilder<'t>.CreateProperty<MaterialIconKind>(MaterialIcon.KindProperty, value, ValueNone)
  4. Use
    Button.create [
         Button.content (
             MaterialIcon.create [
                 MaterialIcon.kind MaterialIconKind.Export


Getting started

Install Material.Icons.WPF nuget package:

dotnet add package Material.Icons.WPF

wpf-nuget wpf-nuget


Add Material.Icons.WPF namespace to the root element of your file (your IDE can suggest it or do it automatically):


Use MaterialIcon control:

<materialIcons:MaterialIcon Kind="Abacus" />

The Foreground property controls the color of the icon.
Also, there is MaterialIconExt which allows you to use is as the markup extension:

<Button Content="{materialIcons:MaterialIconExt Kind=Abacus}" />


Getting started

Install Material.Icons nuget package:

dotnet add package Material.Icons

icons-nuget icons-nuget


Icon types stored in Material.Icons.MaterialIconKind enum.
We can resolve an icon path by using Material.Icons.MaterialIconDataProvider.GetData().

Adding your own icons

Currently, there is no way to add your own icons, as icons are enum and cannot be modified.
But you can override some existing icons to use your own data:

public class CustomIconProvider : MaterialIconDataProvider
    public override string ProvideData(MaterialIconKind kind)
        return kind switch
            MaterialIconKind.TrophyVariant => "some SVG code",
            _ => base.ProvideData(kind)

// When your application starts (e.g. in the Main method) replace MaterialIconDataProvider with your own
public static int Main(string[] args)
    MaterialIconDataProvider.Instance = new CustomIconProvider(); // Settings custom provider

    // Application startup code
    // return BuildAvaloniaApp().StartWithClassicDesktopLifetime(args);


How to change icon color?

  • Change Foreground property.

How to change size?

  • If you are using MaterialIcon control - use Width or/and Height properties.
  • If you are using MaterialIconExt - use Size property.

How to update icons?

  • You can manually set Material.Icons package version in your project file.

What about versioning policy?

  • We use semver.
    Any package with identical major and minor versions is compatible.
    For example, 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 are compatible, but 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 might not be.