Twitter adapter for the Sensing Architecture developed in the ProaSense project.
- Java 1.7 or above
- Maven
- Auth consumer key
- Consumer secret
- Access token
- Access token secret
- Information on how to obtain these tokens can be accessed from this site:
- proasense.adapter.base.publish: values for this parameter are, true for publishing the sompleEvents og false for not publishing those events.
- proasense.adapter.twitter.hashtag: word user want to search by, example #Norway.
- proasense.adapter.twitter.time: time-interval for scanning tweets.
After aquiring information above, nothing more is needed for setup.
- There are two folder in this adapter, those are: twitter-base: Abstract class to support running the program in next module. twitter-example: Contains the code for the program.
- cd to proasense-adapter-twitter
- use command "mvn clean install"
- "mvn exec:java" *The program will search for the hashtag defined in the property file and make continues poll on interval defined in the property file.
There is no test-data for this adapter.