Keep track of your life's dreams!
Used React, Axios to make the API calls, and sass and bootstrap for styling.
Project is created with:
- React 16.4.2
- Axios 0.18.0
- node-sass 4.9.3
- Bootstrap 4.3.1
- As an unregistered user, I would like to sign up with email and password.
- As a registered user, I would like to sign in with email and password.
- As a signed in user, I would like to change password.
- As a signed in user, I would like to sign out.
- As a signed in user, I would like to create a bucket list item with a title and description.
- As a signed in user, I would like to update my bucket list item's title and description.
- As a signed in user, I would like to delete my bucket list item.
- As a signed in user, I would like to see all my bucket list items but not other users'.
- As a signed in user, I would like to cross off items to complete them.
- Could use work in the UI department
Integrate with a third-party location-based API to:
- allow users to search for a location or venue to add to their bucket list items.
- autofill an input field.
- drop pins on a map.
Add social features to our site, such as following other users. Allow users to make certain list items public, but default to private. Allow users to upload an image when they complete an item.
Bryan Braunstein, the Project and Quality Assurance Lead, Huy Ngyuen, Front-end Lead, and Aidan Kenney, the Back-end Lead.
Mob programmed switching off drivers as we screen shared over Zoom.