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Update 10/22/2016

Project Status

  • Update to Angular 2.0.0
  • Form module done
  • Filter, directive WIP

This project is built according to: THIS

The tutorial on lynda is still using Angular2 beta version

Build your app with the latest version is highly recommended. Update from beta to final realease is not fun

Upgrade your project from System.js to Webpack

Angular-CLI is using webpack. Please follow this official guide.

Project Structure

├── e2e                         # Protractor test files
├── coverage                    # Auto-generated test coverage reports
├── src                         # Source code
│   ├── app                     # Project Source Code
│   │   ├── media-item          # media-item module
│   │   ├── media-item-form     # media-item-form module
│   │   ├── media-item-list     # media-item-list module
│   │   ├── category-list.pipe  # A pipe for filtering data (WIP)
│   │   ├── favorite.directive  # A directive for customized style (WIP)
│   │   ├── media.interface.ts  # Interface of media data
│   │   ├── media-app.*.*       # A top-level module that wraps up all sub modules
│   │   ├── media-item.service  # A service handling CRUD of media items
│   │   └── providers.ts        # Opaque Token (WIP)
│   ├── main.ts                 # App entry file
│   ├── index.html              # Index file
│   └── tsconfig.json           # TS compiler configuration file
├── .editorconfig               # Set coding style (indents, charset, etc.)
├── .gitignore                  # You know the drill...
├── Angular 2 - S1ngS1ng.pdf    # Slides
├── angular-cli.json            # Angular-CLI configuration file
├── package.json                # npm configuration file
├──                   # Read this FIRST :)
├── tslint.json                 # tsLint configuration file
└── ...

Clone and play (Command line guide)

  1. git clone
  2. cd Angular-2-Essentials
  3. npm i
  4. npm start

Deploy to github-pages is easy

ng github-pages:deploy --message "Deploy messge"


Have better ideas? Help me improve!

  1. Fork this
  2. git clone [yourURL]
  3. coding...
  4. git commit -m [commitMessage]
  5. git push [yourBranch]
  6. Send Pull Request