Application up and running:
Connect your wallet to ropsten network and wait for a few seconds, it might show "No NFTs listed yet" before NFTs load. Fund your wallet with some ropsten eth to buy/sell nft.
Deployed on Ropsten testnet: 0xA3b10D635C92a5A1ae051293C26a107c272cc34B
- Buy the NFTs listed on marketplace, and resell them at higher price for profits.
- Create NFT of your ART.
- Pay listing price(0.025 ETH) to list your NFT on Marketplace.
- Earn ROYALTIES (2% from seller's profit) from your NFT reselling.
- Home- will show all nfts listed for sale
- Create NFT- to create your token
- My NFTs- will display all the nfts owned by you
- My Creation- will display all the nfts you created with their latest selling price
Dependencies used:
- @openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Counters.sol To track the tokens minted and sold on the marketpalce.
- @openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/ERC721URIStorage.sol To support off-chain storage of NFT artifacts.
- @openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol Standard for representing ownership of non-fungible tokens (introducing uniqueness)
State Varibales:
- Counters.Counter private _tokenIds; // unique token Id for every minted token
- Counters.Counter private _itemsSold; // total items listed on marketplace
- uint256 listingPrice = 0.025 ether;
- address payable owner; // creator of market place who will recieve listingPice whenevr a NFT is sold
- struct MarketItem {uint256 tokenId; address payable seller; address payable owner; uint256 price; bool sold;} // info of NFT
- struct MarketItem_for_Royalty {address payable creator; uint256 pre_price; uint256 royalty_earned;} // royalty info of NFT
- mapping(uint256 => MarketItem) private idToMarketItem; // store info for every tokenId
- mapping(uint256 => MarketItem_for_Royalty) private idToMarketItem_for_Royalty; // store royalty info for every tokenId
- event MarketItemCreated(uint256 indexed tokenId, address seller, address owner, uint256 price, bool sold);
- event MarketItem_for_RoyaltyCreated(address creator, uint256 pre_price, uint256 royalty_earned);
function createToken(string memory tokenURI, uint256 price) public payable returns (uint256) {}
- Mint new token
- set URI for the token
- add token as a market item by modifying state variable (uses createMarketItem())
function createMarketItem(uint256 tokenId, uint256 price) private {}
- make changes to the state variables to store all token info
- transfer token from creator to contract address
- charges 0.025 ETH as listing fee
- list nft
function createMarketSale(uint256 tokenId) public payable {}
- calculate royalty (if not first time sell), and send it to creator
- transfer token from contract address to buyer
- modify state variables
function resellToken(uint256 tokenId, uint256 price) public payable {}
- to list a token (bought before) for sale
- charges 0.025 ETH as listing fee
- transfers nft from owner to contract address
- modify state variables
function fetchMarketItems() public view returns (MarketItem[] memory) {}
- to get all tokens which are listed for sale
function fetchMyNFTs() public view returns (MarketItem[] memory) {}
- to get all tokens owned my an address
function fetchItemsListed() public view returns (MarketItem[] memory) {}
- to get all tokens created by an address
- Fractionalized NFTs
- Improved Frontend
- Energized NFTs
- Collection listing
- Transfer NFT to wallet
- NFT activity log
- Video NFTs
- and more...