Hi, welcome to SwiftUI experiments.
I'm a designer that is interested in building out my ideas with code. In this repository you will find some of my ideas I explored. These are mostly prototypes and not production ready apps.
A prototype that shows an interaction on how AI can summarize text
A prototype that converts numbers to the metric system Demo
A prototype that shows a drag to delete interaction Demo
A prototype that shows an interaction on how to re-arrange your iOS navigation
Tap to show various fried chicken particles Demo
An animated globe with an interesting pattern
An exploration looking at various drag gestures and animations Demo
Drag around the map to get a restaurant recommendation
A slider to view animated particles in different states
A prototype to slingshot photos that explores more drag gestures Demo
Tap to see a random image animate into view
Pull to search interaction inspired by the Things app Demo
Get inspiring messages as the reader continues reading Demo
A fun color picker Demo
Example using, https://github.com/markiv/SwiftUI-Shimmer Demo
Animated walking charts based on walking data
Drag around to see random shapes generated that vary in shape type, color and size Demo
Drag around to jump to different pages quickly Demo
Sign your signature to authenticate Demo
Bouncy dots with haptic feedback Demo