Last updated 2021
Hello, I’m Barrett Ross or @Rossbarr (he/his/him).
I've been programming since 2018. I started in college at Michigan State University. I first used Python to create physics models for my classes and analyze data for research.
I graduated in 2020 with a BS, majoring in Physics and Astrophysics. Since then, I've been interested in all things programming. I have projects in Data Science (including ML), Web Dev, and Game Dev.
- Data Science is my focus with Python being my main language.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Ruby-on-Rails and Javascript for Web Development and C# with Unity for Game Development.
- 📫 Reach me here on Github or through email at
Languages (skill)
- Python (5/5) (Best Language)
- Ruby (5/5)
- SQL (4/5)
- C# (3/5) (Learning)
- C++ (3/5) (Learning)
- JavaScript (2/5) (Learning)
- Lua (2/5)